Chapter 2: Lazy Days

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"So hermosa, what are you thinking in that curly little head of yours that's got you so worked up?" I look at Cesar all flustered and giddy, "Uh... M-me? Oh, nothing. Just you know thinking, about uhh, camp. Yeah, camp!" Wow way to save it Monsé, I mentally scold myself as Cesar sits down at that foot of my bed and looks up at me to only smile, it wasn't a true smile. I could tell something was bothering him.
"Oh yeah, you have to go away for camp." He sounded dismayed and dare I say a little heart broken, I'm probably overthinking it though, so I brush it off. "Yeah I'm sorry I'm leaving you guys for the summer, but when I come back I promise to make it up to you!" As soon as I let those words slip my mouth Cesar pulled my wrists toward him dragging me towards him on the bed.

"Anything? Well, why don't we start now? Hmm, what can you do to make it up to me?" He strokes his fake beard as I chuckle rolling off him,

"I'll do nothing if you keep forcing me towards you" I say as I look over to Cesar now laying down on my bed.

"Sorry Monsé, you're just easy to move around" he says with a laugh, god I love his laugh. It's so genuine and happy and sounds like a warm blanket around me just made up of good vibes and sunshine... Wow, I'm a mess.

We continue to talk for a while until I heard my dad yell from the living room, "baby! I'll be going on a long haul for a couple days now, I'm sorry I can't be there to see you go on your trip but it's urgent! I love you with all my heart baby, anything happens call me so I can beat someone up!" Then I hear my dad laugh and walk out the door, I then scream "I love you dad! Don't worry I understand! I love you!" After that I hear the door click and then a few minutes past I hear the engine rev, and then I see the truck leave the driveway off for a long haul. I smile as I look out the window, realizing I'm being stared at, I look at Cesar and he looks at me; then he shoots up outta bed and goes to my closet,
"hey hold on! What do you think your doing Mr Diaz?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm just raiding your closet to see some clothes you should wear for the party later"

"Why do you need to pick my clothes? I was just gonna go how I always go to things, comfy."

"Exactly! But you're gonna look even more spicy with what I have for you!" Cesar said with a glint in his eye and a smile on his face.

"What the hell do you mean spicy Diaz? I'm not some food you can season."

"I know hermosa, I just mean how you'll be very, how do you say; hot."

Cesar then goes back to picking out an outfit for me after he's done wiggling his eyebrows in my direction with a slight gleem in his eyes, while I'm having 7 panic attacks and 45 heart failures. My face is burning, I'm sweating, I can hear a ringing noise in my ear. I literally can't fathom the words that left Cesar's mouth moments ago. I am lost for words. Does he mean what he said? Of course not Finnie, you're in way over your head.
As I think for a few more minutes Cesar yells out "done!" Like a proud child showing their parent what they did. He turns to me holding up an outfit looking rather proud of it, damn... that's cute as hell. Sorry not sorry self, you can't deny that.
     He does have good fashion taste believe it or not, even though he most of the times wears sweats so he can't talk, he picks out some dark blue high waisted jeans paired with a dark red flannel. At first I thought hell yeah, my boy knows I like comfort, but my thoughts were interrupted with Cesar.

"Ahem, you have to wear the flannel like a crop top, like you gotta tie it up and... yeah." I slowly realize that he chose the tightest jeans I own, and the smallest flannel I own too, before I could overthink this small detail of the fashion choices; next thing I knew, he throws a pair of Converse at me and I felt better for some reason. After the whole clothing debacle, we decided to just sit and talk for an hour until we realize we were bored and wanna do something.
"We have like 3 hours to kill, what should we do?" I ask Cesar, I look up waiting for a response but all I receive is an eyebrow raise.
"I said, what do you want to do pretty boy? What? Did you lose your hearing in the span of and hour?!" I say with my words laced in sarcasm to the dumbfounded boy.

"Oh so I'm pretty now? I'll be your pretty boy toy Monsé, as long as I'm treated with care and respect" he jokingly says as he smirks up at me, all I want to do is punch his face, but then kiss him afterwards. My emotions are a mess. A goddamn mess.


We finally decided we were gonna go outside and probably walk around the block and get something small to snack on cause Ruby insisted we come on empty stomachs so that we could eat at his house. Ruby is like the mom of our squad when I come to think about it. He's caring, sweet, really smart, and literally beats us with his shoe if we "misbehave."
Man, I love Ruby, that little punk.

"Oh, so you love Ruby? Is that the big thing on your mind today mi luz?"

"No, I mean yeah- I mean like ya know, in a platonic "he's our mom" kind of way."

"You feel me?" I question.

"Oh, believe me. I feel you just fine" he smirks toward me as we continue walking our block.

"You're such a hormonal boy, jeez grow up already" I say as I giggle and lightly punch his arm.

"Only when I'm around you mi vida" he says charmingly as he winks at me, I've never felt so flustered so many times in a day. It seems like today I'm the center of his world, and whether that be just platonically because we've been best friends forever, or because he may be feeling the same way I feel for him. Honestly, I don't care at this moment. All I know is I want to spend the majority of my final day here on the block with my ride or die.

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