Chapter 5: Come watch me, up up and away.

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We enter the house which contained the infestation of teenagers alike from all different ages, but all either, drunk, high, horny, or actually wants to have a good time with friends. This party is at Emanuel Montoya's house, the most popular kid in the school, practically a god. Everyone worships that kid, obviously except me; he doesn't deserve my bow and prayer he's not even that special but still, to get invited by him to his own party shows that you're up there in the ranks among these teens. We're cool in short, I don't know how we are, but technically we are and that's great in my book; it's just I still don't care for it.
We continue to walk in and find the drink table and some beers, I only plan on drinking one because I can guarantee my boys are going to drink their asses off, and they need someone to make sure they get home safely.
I notice some people from middle school, and then I recognize some high schoolers, I don't really want to talk to them and "mingle" so I'll probably stay by the boys- and their gone.

"Great, just great" I say to no one but myself. I guess I'll just be going solo until I meet up with them again later tonight, time to go be an awkward egg in the corner of this party.


A couple hours pass and I'm still by the corner of the living room sorta boping my head to be music, the only real good part of this party because I actually like what's being played, I'm pretty sure it's "STFU" by Aminé but I can't hear that clearly due to the loud ass dunkards.
I'm now drinking a soda and having some small talk with some random chick that I'm pretty sure just got dumped by her boyfriend. 

"Yeah so, totally, I'm like so over guys you know? It's just like fuck them am I right? Like I don't need a guy in my life. I mean. If I ever wanted or had one, but like if I did... it's not my number one priority. You know?" April, I'm pretty sure that's her name, babbles to me.

"Yeah, no, I totally feel you man. Be honest to yourself then love others." I try to give my best advice, but it's hard to give out some decent advice when you can't even hear your own self think.

"Yeah, thank you! And totally dude! I'm completely over all men from now on- oh wait. Who's that?" April says completely forgetting what she was saying in the beginning.

"Who?" I look over to where she was referring too and tried to make someone out.

"That hot guy in the stripy shirt!" April exclaimed.
I can only think of... oh no.

"Hey Monsé. What are you doing over here all by yourself? Not enjoying the party princessa?" Cesar says sorta worried but mainly playing around. He stands in front of me blocking off April.

"Uh, yeah sorry. I didn't know where to go so I'm just here talking to April until one of you guys are drop dead drunk."
I say seriously.

Out of nowhere April gets in between us, getting closer to Cesar.

"Hi! I'm April! Monsé's new friend and I don't think I've seen you around before." April, I think, apparently is trying to flirt with Cesar. And I'm not okay with it?

"What's your name cutie?" April bats her eyes at him, it's annoying.

"Uh, yeah. Never crossed paths before. Heh, umm yeah... I'm Cesar, Cesar Diaz." He states unsure of himself but extends his hand out for a hand shake and goes along with it anyway.

"Wow, that's a nice name! You already know, I'm April! I'm 16 and I'm super single." She says giddily while shaking his hand a bit to long for my liking.

"Yeah, that's nice. Well I'll see you around April. And uh, good luck on being unsingle if that's what you want." Cesar then let's go of her hand and turns to me ready to ask something else, probably to come with him to find the boys. But nothing escapes his mouth because a little fiery redheaded April sticks her freckled face in our business again.

"I'm sorry to interrupt again, but maybe do you want to go dance or something. Um all three of us! And we can like, get to know each other a little more?" She pleads, grasping on to Cesar's arm.
Cesar pries off his arm carefully.

"Um I'm really sorry, Monsé and I have to go find our boys. So rain check on that dance yeah?" Cesar says hurriedly as he grasps my hand pulling me away to the crowd.

"She really is something ain't she" I say trying hard to play it cool like I wasn't fuming in the background just a few seconds ago.

"Yeah she's alright, I mean. She was suuuuper pretty, wasn't she?" Cesar says teasingly.

"Yeah, beautiful." I say cut and dry.

"What's wrong Monsé?" Cesar teases again.

"Nothing absolutely nothing! I'm fine and if you really think she's all that why don't you go back to her and dance. I mean you're the one that dragged me away so why don't you just retrace your steps and leave?" I say angrily. I turn to leave to go find the boys myself until Cesar grabs ahold of my shoulder and I turn around.

"Let's take this outside." He says seriously. We walk outside and he waits for a response for I guess my actions so here I go, better now than never to tell him how I feel.

"So I really like you and by having April all over you made me snap, I can't even fathom the thought of you touching another girl or having another girl touch you. That's why I was also upset at you when you never told me you had sex before. So now is the time I chose to tell you, to get it out of my system, and I swear to god if you make things awkward between us I'll kill you in your sleep." I say in a rant formation.

"Also one more thing-" I almost say until I get cut off...and then, my world stops.

He's, he's, he, is... kissing me.

His lips on mine feel new, all of this is new. It's overloading all my sensory, all I feel is him, all I smell is him, all I can hear is him, all I taste is him. I'm going crazy and I want more.
I put my arms around his neck, pushing him as close to me as possible. He laughs a little, or whatever a laugh can be when you're making out with someone. He then puts his arms around my waist, doing the same, pushing me closer up to him. It's super hot in here, and I need air.
I break the kiss and I'm just looking at Cesar wide eyed, panting.

"You talk too much, the only way I could shut you up was with a kiss. It worked I see." He says teasingly.

"I guess, uh... this means you feel the same way about me that I do about you huh?" I say sorta dumbly. Cesar looks down at me and smiles, crinkles already in his eyes showing how much he's laughed and smiled.

"Yes, I like you. That's actually an  understatement, you make me crazy Monsé." He says sorta lower in pitch, it makes my stomach do a flip flop but that's good though.

"Well I'm glad, today I made it my mission to tell you by the time I leave." I say but as soon as I say it Cesar's demeanor changed and he became sadder and a bit colder.

"Oh yeah, I just sorta can't believe you waited so long to tell me. I liked you for a while too. It's just I didn't know when to tell you either to be honest." Cesar says sadly.

"Well we did it, our feelings are established. So, that's good in my book." I say proudly. Cesar just laughs and comes closer to me looking at me, admiring me I guess?

"What are you looking at dude?" I chuckle.

"I'm studying you, you look so pretty. Oh and by the way, tonight the only thing you'll be calling me is anything but dude." He smirks.

"What- what do you mean?" I say nervously.

"I mean, hermosa, is that there is no stopping me from getting what I want tonight. And that is you, you're mine and tonight I'll show you what I've been feeling all these years about you baby." He says, seductively I'm pretty sure, and I. Am. Loving. It.

"Oh, well in that case, let's tell the boys we're going home cause you're feeling a little sick, and we can you know. Come to my house so I can treat your "sickness"" I try to say suggestively, I guess it's working cause Cesar looks like he just won a million dollars or something.
I don't care anymore, I have him. And he has me. And tonight is ours, no one can take that away from us.

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