Chapter 7: Midnights Summer Dream

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     We are lying on my bed after at least another round or two. We are teens after all, we got a lot of stamina.
I turn over to Cesar and just smile at him, I play with his hair, twirl it around my fingers and caress his scalp. He looks pleased and literally makes a sound close to a cat purring.

"Awww, are you a kitty? Are you my little kitty boy?" I say in a teasing manner with a tad bit of a higher voice as if I was speaking to an actual pet.
He looks at me and smirks.

"What? Does the kitty not like being pet anymore?" I ask jokingly
He then looks at me with a more suggestive look.

"It's not that I don't like being pet baby, it's just then if anything you're my little kitten Monsé." He says with a smirk while he then pets me. I stick out my tongue toward him and I then attempt to bite him.

"Ow! Hey! Bad kitty, bad kitty!" Cesar giggles out, I also in turn giggle.

"You asked for it Cesar!" I rebuttal.
We then just let the silent wash over us in the dim lit room. I look over at Cesar and start to study him, the way his hair curls when he doesn't fix it up, how his eyes twinkle lightly, the way his lips part ever so slightly, the dip of his waist laying on his side, and overall how cute and hazy he looks. I also believe he is doing the same.

"Hey, Watcha doin?" I question.

"I'm just studying you, you're beautiful Monsé. The way your eyes seem like a dark pool of water, how your smile shows your little dimples, the way your curly hair is even curlier laying down, how relaxed you look, and how especially sexy you look disheveled" describes Cesar.

While he finished I start blushing and nervous giggling like crazy.


I start checking over all my things for camp to make sure I don't forget anything.
"Books? Check. Paper, pencils, and pens? Check. Clothes? Check. Cesar's little notebook? Check. Money? Check. Sleeping supplies? Check. Toiletries? Check. Underwear?" I then get cut off by the other body in the room.

"Check and double check hermosa. Unless you want me to check your underwear again and make sure it's really there?" Cesar says as he smirks.

"Cesar you pervert! Shut up!" I say chuckling while finding something to throw at him, I found a pillow and chuck it at him. He then says I love you too while the pillow still muffles his face as it falls off him.
After I'm finished checking and double checking everything I see that I only have about an hour till I have to leave for camp.
I'm super excited and ready to leave for camp and learn more and become more immersed in writing, I then realize I'm leaving Cesar. I'm leaving the guy I just told I liked him for years, the guy who likes me back, my best friend, the person I shared a huge first with. Damn, I have perfect timing no?

"I just realized, I'm leaving you." I say sadly to Cesar, I feel like tears might start streaming, I don't know when I got so emotional. It's probably due to all the times I have surprised my emotions and ignores all my needs in order to please and help everyone else other than me. I have a problem.
Cesar looks at me with a sad smile and beckons me to come to him, I do and he pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey, no, no, no. Don't cry Monsé, don't waste those tears on something so small like me. You have a great life ahead of you, this camp is so beneficial for you and your future. You need to leave and grow more! I feel like sometimes I hold you back no matter what, I just want you to succeed." Cesar says sadly.

"Unlike me on the other hand. I'll be here only knowing the Santos, it's all I'll ever know from know." Cesar sadly remarks.

"Hey! Don't say that! You are an amazing person and you're super smart! Don't you love architecture and building and stuff? Ya know, manly man work?" I say trying to light up the mood. I believe it to be working for he smiles a little and hides his head in the crook of my neck.

"See? You're amazing and you will have a future, we will I, as will Jamal and Ruby. We aren't failing." I say securely.
He looks up to me still defeated but still I see hope in his eyes.
Time passes and it's time for me to take my leave, I see the bus start to roll down our block filled with a bunch of white kids looking pretty scared. I don't blame 'em, our block isn't the most family friendly. I grab my bags and get ready to go, I take one final look back and see Ruby, Jamal, and Cesar wave at me.
"Goodbye Monsé! Have fun at nerd camp!" Yells Jamal.

"Don't get eaten by bears!" Yells Ruby.

"Write to me everyday Monsé, and if you get hurt I'm going by to do something about it!" Yells Cesar.

"Don't worry boys! I'll be fine! And I'll be back before you know it!" I yell back reassuringly.
I get on the bus with all eyes pinned on me and take the seat close to the left side of the bus toward the back.
I put in my headphones to play music while we drive to camp, but before I start to doze off I see Cesar start to run the same pass as our bus. I notice some girls take interest in the "cute" "hot" boy but I tell him he's all mine as they see him blow kisses and wave at me until he couldn't keep up anymore.
They slump in their seats and I smile as I close my eyes, I love my Cesar.
And I know he loves me.
The start of summer begins, for better or for worse.

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