Chapter 4: What's the word? S.E.X?

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With tacos in hand we walk down our block toward Ruby's house. Me and Cesar are laughing and playing around, I lightly punch him, he lightly pulls my hair, a lightly pinch him, and he almost takes a bite out of my taco but that's the last straw.

"Step away from my meat fool!" I say half jokingly half serious.

"Oh I'm sorry Miss. I didn't know you loved meat so much." He says suggestively but plays it off, he then looks forward as I short circuit for point five seconds.

"Excuse me Diaz. Keep your thoughts out of your pants please." I sassily remark with a hand on my hip.

"When I'm around you doll, that's the only place I can think out of" he says sorta serious. And that scares me, so to play it off I lightly punch him and tell him to grow up.

We are getting closer to Ruby's house, just a few more moments until... finally we arrive at Casa de Martinez. Home to a pretty uptight mom, a dutiful dad, two rampaging girls, abuelita, and the prince himself; Ruby.

"I don't hear any screams today, must be a peaceful day" Cesar says as he chuckles with his tongue in between his teeth, and I respond with a snort.

"Yeah, hopefully it'll last till we leave to go to the party.

"We can only hope Monsé."

We walk up to the door and we didn't even have to knock, we were greeted by none other than the prince himself.

"Hey compás! Welcome home, there is food on the table, I beg of you. Please eat. My mom will kill me if you don't" Ruby whispers the last part to us. Me and Cesar nod our head dutifully, and we are then dragged inside by Ruby.
I walk to the food and sit down at the head of the table already a hot plate of food waiting for me. Jeez, I'm going to have a food baby and give birth to it in the span of thirty minutes tops. I start to eat while the rest of the boys settle around the table starting to eat as well, Cesar to my right, Ruby to my left, and Jamal next to Ruby.
We are horsing around and making fun of eachother, Jamal calling Cesar a thirty year old man, Ruby calling Jamal a dipstick who doesn't know his left from his right, and Cesar calling Ruby a friend zonee. As I just sit back and watch my boys make fun of eachother while I eat my tamales in happiness.

"Dude you're gonna die a virgin!" Retorted a laughing Jamal toward Ruby.

"No way esse, unlike you both. I got game. I know how and when to be buttery smooth, in high school you better watch out for me." Ruby said defensively with a little smugness.

"Oh please Ruby, you're the girliest boy I know" chuckled Cesar.

"Shut up all brawn and no brains. I know how to treat a lady, all you know is how to fuck one." Snorted Ruby who now is kicked back in his seat hands behind his head.

"Alright look who's talking, you've never gotten anywhere with a girl. So let me be man" Cesar says rather aggressively.

"Dudes just accept the fact that we'll die virgins and that's okay." Jamal says panicky.

"Hell I'm not, one of my main missions will be getting a girl and making love to her, because I am a gentleman. Unlike one pig I know." Ruby rolls his eyes as he says the last sentence.

"At least I'm not a virgin!" Cesar yelled.

"Wait, you're not a virgin?" I said questioningly. I am mad and jealous that he never told us, told me! And also at this mystery girl worthy enough of sleeping with my man.

Cesar sighs in defeat.

"I'm not a virgin Monsé, but that time doesn't count. That's when I was in 7th grade and didn't know any better and just randomly hooked up with one chick. I have done- ahem- other stuff to girls, but... uh, penetration. I've only ever had one experience." Explains Cesar in a light defensive tone.
Cesar now looks around the room mortified only slightly, then he finally looks at me and looks straight down.

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