Chapter 6: Rock You Like A Hurricane.

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[This chapter contains sexual intercourse, underage sex, consensual sex, graphic descriptions of sex.]

We are on our way to go find the boys to tell them we need to go home because Cesar isn't "feeling well" and I'm going to take care of him. We scour for a solid ten minutes till I see a big crowded circle and, oh god please don't let it be what I think it is.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight!"

God damnit it is.
I grab Cesar's and pull him in order to see what's happening and low and behold, there is Emmanuel on one side and my poor Jamal on the other side. What the hell happened?

"Jamal! What the fuck did you do?!" I scream still on my way to tug his ass back over here.

"I-I- I swear I didn't do anything, I may have said some not so great things, that may have been taken out of context. But! They weren't toward Emmanuel!" Jamal says desperately while trying to weave around the bull, Emmanuel, himself.

"No, but you were talking about my girlfriend and I don't fucking like that!" The upper classmen screams.

"Well technically it was Ruby who said it and I was just repeating what he said." Jamal said panicking.
I look dumbfounded, goddamnit Jamal, you can keep your mouth shut.

What Jamal said made Emmanuel even more angry so out of nowhere Jamal pulls Ruby with him and it just looks like two clowns in the bullring.

"Alright y'all acting like a bunch of idiots, so let's break this up or I will break your arm! Anyone of yours!" I say threateningly as I charge into the opening ready to go grab these knuckleheads away from this whole thing.

"Wait, Monsé. Maybe it's to dangerous. I'll go grab them while you stand out here." Cesar appears to say carefully in hopes I don't take it offensively. He's wrong, I do.

"Well that just ain't gonna fly, I can take care of myself and no one has to baby me." I say defensively as I waltz in the ring, grab my friends by their ears and walk out like nothing happened.
I continue walking until I hear a voice,

"Yeah baby I think you should listen to your man next time cause with a pretty thing like you continuing to do shit like that. You're gonna get hurt hermosa." Emmanuel says, I stop cold in my tracks. I'm ready to turn around and pop his head right off, but Cesar probably had the same idea.

"Listen, you get her name out of your mouth puto!" Cesar yells.

"I don't want to hear her name spoken by you or any of your friends you hear me? Or you won't be able to see the light of day!" Cesar yells again, with more anger in his voice that actually struck fear into everyone around us.
So after that whole thing, we tell the boys Cesar is actually sick and I'm going to take him home, and that they should get home to or just keep being out just not near here.

"Alright bye Monsé! Bye Cesar!" Both Ruby and Jamal yell as we go opposite ways. As soon as they are out of our line of sight Cesar pulls me to a run.

"Hey champ? Why are we running now?" I say slightly out of breath disconcertingly.

"Hermosa, I can't control myself any longer. I need to make sure the whole world knows your mine and only mine." Grumbles Cesar slightly out of breath as well.

"Oof, okay, okay." I say slightly nervous on what he has planned.
We make it to my house and walk up to the door. I take out my keys and slowly open the door, letting Cesar in.
We toe off our shoes and as soon as I lock the door and turn around everything just happens so fast.
Cesar whips me around and pinned me to the door.

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