my freedom

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why does it seem like freedom is given to us or must be earned?
Why is it that we needs one permission just to have control of ones own body?
think about it
up until a certain age were told what to believe, love or do
and you might pull the card of saying it's called parenthood and I agree we should be nurtured or protected in the cave until were ready for the jungle in human terms the real world.
but not even given the chance to step out of your comfort zones is different, it's incompetent-like thinking
I feel like a seven year old girl cleaning up her dolls to get her two dollar allowance for the week.
Two dollars that won't even cover a bag of chips and a drink at the gas station.
But atleast I earned the two dollars right?
I feel like a lion trapped in my cage while I hear stories of other lions roam freely.
They go into the wild.
I might sound crazy or even dumb.
But this is the one thing I get to talk about freely.

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