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I realize I'm afraid.
Afraid to chase after my dreams.
Afraid to hear what others think.
My mind is overflowing with creativity
that I'm afraid to share with the world.
People who aren't like me, wont get it.
They won't understand a creative being wanting to share their talent with the world for a purpose.
A purpose I'm on a journey to find.
I take several steps backwards but also forward each day.
I make progress, but I'm afraid.
I'm afraid to put my two feet forward, and just say fuck it.
I understand I'm afraid, but how do you make it go away.
Human emotion, It's in the back of my mind every second of the day.
I feel if I don't share it, the happiness I seek so badly in this messed up world, that fear will cripple me.
Yes, I'm afraid, but the consequences of not reaching for the stars scares me more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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