a letter to my freshman self

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dear taylor,
let's talk about freshman year
we had our ups and downs like a elevator
more worried about boys,when they could care less about you,
I was daydreaming about fairytales like I live under the sea wishing for two feet
They were plotting on you tryna take away your crown tryna take a way the thing that made you unique
but you shut that down quick
quickly realizing school wasn't exciting anymore and just comes with drama and material you won't use in a million years, unnecessary math that waste your time like you seriously need to know linear equations to order lunch
bitches be upset and bitter that feeling never goes away they hate but ignoring them has always been your way of life
I was fifteen, and a little bit over 5'2
insecure about my big chest because they got the wrong type of attention some girls think are good but not you.
Your different , talent has awaken you
Don't let go of that drive you have
you'll need it for your next destination

sincerely , taylor from the future

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