Black girl in Amerikkka

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Black girl in AmeriKKKa paralyzed by fear
another black man killed today, something I didn't want to hear.

Now you tell me, tell me have I lost my faith?
through the mist of it all, I prayed for heaven on earth maybe hence our guardian angels could've stayed.
maybe then the world would show more love than hate.

tell me, my white friends, who haven't uttered a word.
you've heard our screams but you pretend to be deaf about the matter
sealing your privilege shut as you pretend to be blind
you befriend me, but watch from afar as my people and I suffer.
Waiting for change, waiting for love we so much seek, the respect we given to others but never returned.
Speak up, or forever hold your peace.
Are you with us or are you okay with letting another black man or woman die, that looks like your friend, you so claim me to be?

dear, Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora