The Science Experiment

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It was just another day at school. Only the children seemed to be more engaged than other days. This made me very excited.

We were doing Geography, learning all about the water cycle, clouds and how they are formed. We watched videos, they always love those. After those we started with the written work.

Some children were more involved than others. Written work was always a touch and go area. Some kids love it. Others hated it. But they mostly always finished it.

I looked down at the last circle.


I sighed. I forgot to prepare one. I was so busy marking this morning it totally slipped my mind. I raked my brain.

What on earth can we do for a last minute science experiment that connects with all of this?

I looked out of my window, imagining the sun evaporating the water... then something clicked in my head.

The staffroom has a kettle.

I lined the kids up all in a row and told them I have something interesting to show them. They lined up excited.

"Oh, we're going to play!" Some whispered excitedly.

I ignore them and line them up infront of the kettle. They all looked at the kettle in confusion.

"Teacher's going to make her some coffee!"

"No, she already had some coffee!"

"So, she can have again!" The kids whisper among each other. I can't help but giggle at the arguments they can have.

"I'm going to boil the kettle. But before I do that, I want to know what's going to happened if the water boils?" All the children's hands go up at once.


"It's going to get hot!" He shouts excitedly, his blue eyes twinkling.

"Yes, and?" All the kids hands go up again.


"It's going to boil and burn you!" She answered nodding her golden head solemnly, her earings jingling.

"Well, yes," I responded smiling, trying my best not to laugh out loud, "What else?"


"It's going to make steam?" She asked softly, her dark eyes seem unsure, as she tilted her head to the side.

"Oh, it's going to evaporate the water!" Malakar shouted out to excited to put up his hand.

"Great," I said, giving Kyla and Malakar an high-five before putting the kettle on.

This felt like several hours.

I'm sure you've stood and waited for a kettle to boil before. But you should test your level of patience and do it with 13 children staring at it expectedly.

"This is boring!" Katy, a tall lanky girl, mumbled from the back.

"Hey!" Nick screamed next to her, poking her on her shoulder, his green eyes sparking with anger, "did you THINK before you said that?"

"Is it True?" The whole class chimed.

"Maybe," I said smiling ruefully.

"Is it Helpful?"

"Not really," I answered again, as Katy just stared at them.

"Is it Inspiring?"

"No..." Katy said shuffling her feet. Her blonde hair curtaining over her face as she looked down at her feet.

"Is it Nice?"

"No, and not Kind either," Katy whispered, "I'm sorry, teacher."

"It's okay, Katy," I pulled her into my arms and gave her a hug, "lets continue okay?"

As if on cue, the kettle boiled.

I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and put it over the steam. The kids all ooh and aah as the water condenses on the glass, making tiny water drops all over it.

"Look!" Taira said enthusiastically, jumping up and down, her dark curls bouncing with her, "the steam is condensationating!"

"Yes," I giggled, giving her the high-five she deserves, "it's called condensation."

"CONDENSATION," they all chimed in.

When we lined up to go back to class, Cammy came up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Teacher," he said while holding me, "Thank you for always making us happy!"

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is why I teach.


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