Well Then

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 Jhon smiled and watched David cover his cheeks and look away from Jhon, to Max.He was checking for the mark, Max watched him come over and crouch down to his height.Licked his thumb and rubbed the grape juice off.Jhon was fairly disappointed by this, Max was blushing a little before he pushed David away.David frowned "There was grape juice on your neck."

"There was?"

"Mhm, I was just wiping it off."

  Max stood there for a bit before looking angry."Just don't touch my neck.." David nodded and walked back to the cat and dog drawings.Max looked at Jhon, who was smiling, Max looked away quickly trying to avoid eye contact.Jhon shrugged and watched David choose the dog, the kid that made the dog cheered as for the one with the cat wanted to strangle the counselor.

------------Wood scouts-----------

  Derek was looking around the base to 'find' Max, Fox was on the lookout.Everyone was on high alert from them saying he was acting like a 'monster', hell even Edward believed it Jack was telling them were they last seen him, what he was acting like, and what he looked like.What they said was:

-Sharper nails

-bigger teeth

-smaller eye slits

-bigger figure


Edward didn't like fantasies but he chose it to be a werewolf.


Oof its short


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