chapter eight

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I woke up holding Jimin and it made me happy. Nothing like when me and Kyle lay together, we don't cuddle we just lay there.
Then there was a knock at my front door. I went to open it.

"Hey babe why couldn't you just stay at my place" Kyle asked inviting himself in.

"I wanted to come home" I said

"Whatever what are we doing today" he asked


I woke up and Yoongi was gone. I got out of bed and went towards the kitchen when I heard someone, Kyle.

"Whatever what are we doing today" he asked

"Um nothing" Yoongi said " I have a really big hangover sorry"

"Fine but if I found out you spend today with that Jimin boy I'll beat him so bad, you better not leave me for him or he'll get it I swear" Kyle warned before walking out of the door.

"Yoongi?" I asked walking towards him.

"It's okay sunshine" he said laying his head on me " I would let him hurt you"

" Don't breakup with him" I told him

"What? Why?" He asked

"Because he will hurt me or he will have one of his minions do it" I told him and he just agreed.
A few minutes later he started to disagree.

"But I want to be with you Jimin" he said

"You will remember I live with you" I said smiling and he kissed my lips gentle.

"What time does your mom go to work" he asked

"12 p.m." I answered

"It's 1p.m. and you need clothes and stuff" he said and we headed out to my house.

I grabbed the key from under the welcome mat and unlocked the door. I walked into my room to see that all my clothes were in the middle of the floor in ashes.

"What the hell happened in here" Yoongi asked as he walked in.

"She burned every thing all of it" I was said and hurt but I wasn't surprised. "Every thing I own, my clothes, phone charger, school bag, shoes, every thing what am I going to do" I asked Yoongi

"Don't worry I'll figure something out. My mom might have some clothes from my brother in the attic" Yoongi told me.

"Okay" I said then we went back to his house.

"Jimin, do they fit" he asked as I tryed on a bunch of his brothers old clothes.

"Yeah, I think" I said walking out to model the clothes.

"You look good" he said "without a shirt" he mumbled. What he said made me giggle.

After awhile he started to watch a movie. Then someone knocked on the door and Yoongi went to look who it was.

"Kyle" he said looking at me with wide eyes. And I hide behind a chair.

He opened the door and Kyle came in.

"I hate Jimin" he said

"Why" Yoongi asked

"Well first he likes you and your MY BOYFRIEND, and when I went to his house he didn't answer"

"Why the fuck did you go to his house Kyle don't start anything with him" Yoongi said pissed

"I wasn't going to I was just going to ask what you did after you took him home"

"Do you not trust me" Yoongi asked him

"No baby I don't trust him"

"He's trust worthy"

"Sure I just don't"

"Okay well I came home and went to bed"

"Well do you wanna hang out" he asked Yoongi

"Nope I'm busy" Yoongi told him

"Fine I'll do it alone" Kyle said

"Do what" Yoongi asked he was curious

"Scare him again, last time was fun he got so scared he had to call someone"

"That was you" Yoongi asked

"Yeah how do you know about it" Kyle asked

"I was who he called"

"What that fucker he's a basterd I'm going to kill him"

"If you even look at him or his friend I will breakup with you faster than you can wink" Yoongi yelled and shoved him out of his house

"That was him" I said

"I have to break up with him Jimin tomorrow ok I can't do it any more I'll breakup with him before school"

It was 30 minutes until class started and I was waiting for Yoongi. He was suppose to break up with Kyle today. I was worried for his safety.

"Hey" Kyle yelled walking really fast towards me. "You really done it know cunt" he yelled walking faster. After a couple of seconds he was really close maybe a foot or two away and was about to punch me when there was someone who stood in front of me.

"Kyle if you touch this kid I swear to God I will beat the holy living shit out of you" Jin a older boy said protecting me.

"Yoongi, where is Yoongi" I yelled

"Busy,. Trying to heal" one of Kyle's minions said laughing. I ran past Kyle to the front of the school building and out the doors when I saw Yoongi on the ground I ran over to him.

"Baby are you okay" I asked him and he smiled at me, but I could tell he was in pain.

"Yeah sunshine I'm fine" I helped him up and we walked to the nurse's office together.


I was walking to class when I saw Jin stand in front of the schools bully protecting a boy from him.

"Kyle if you touch this kid I swear to God I will beat the holy living shit out of you" Jin said to Kyle.

By him saying that made me fall for a protecting boy who was strong and looked really hot being strong. Then the kid ran away and Kyle walked away.

"Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin" I sang walking over to him remembering how he said he like how I said his name. "You look good" I said and grabbed his hand. After the party, we didn't get as drunk as Jimin no body did, man he was wasted, we kissed and now we are a thing.


"Hey wait up Jin" I yelled as he was about to walk out of the house "can I walk you home" I asked

"Yeah I would love that" he answered

Then we were walking.

"I've liked you sense I saw you in class the first day you came here" he said making me blush.

"I like you Jin" I told him and he stopped walking. He just started at me, it was kinda adorable.

"Wow really I like you too joonie" he said

"Did you just call me joonie"

"Yeah it's your nickname, why do you not like it"

"No I don't like it... I love it"

"Omg you scared me joonie don't do that ag-" then I kissed him. After I pulled away he looked at me then grabbed my collar and pulled me back in it was amazing.


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