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"Jack move," I say as I try to get my spot back in line. "You're probably gonna order some long ass white girl drink and i just want a vanilla bean latte," he groans. "Go then you slut," I scoff folding my arms.

"Only a slut for you," He smiles wrapping his arm around me. I roll my eyes, and push him off. He frowns, stepping up to order.

After yawning at his boring order, I stepped up. "Grande soy ice chai latte with four pumps of vanilla with caramel drizzle please," I smile.

"White girl," Jack coughs. "Slut," I mimic. I let Jack pay for my drink since he was pissing me off already and I didn't feel like arguing.

I sat down at a table, not paying Jack any attention. "Paisley," he whines, and I raise my eyebrow. "Don't do that," I uttered. "Oh am I turning you on?" he teased.

"Bye," I snap standing up. He pulled me down immediately and I groaned. "I'm sorry," he smiles. "You're really annoying," I remarked. "What are we doing today?" He questions.

"I'm going to Neels's family gala," I informed. "Sounds pretty lame," He yawns. "They have it every year, it's pretty fun," I shrugged, "Invite only with a plus one."

"Are they fucking loaded or something?" he wondered. "Very, and Neels and Ella have been dating since eight grade, and friends since fifth, imagine how many of these i've been to," I roll my eyes.

"Ooo they give you your own invitation huh?" he quizzed. "Yeah why?" I asked. "See you tonight," He winks, leaving me dumbfounded.

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