forty two

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this is a filler, you can skip.

"Why does she care!" I screamed. "Calm down babe," Jack chuckled.

"I'm just not comprehending why she cares about us dating," I squint. "Dating?" He smirks. "I didn't mean that," I mumble. "Aw you like me," He teases, stretching out the "like"

"Go away," I groan walking towards the kitchen. "What are you getting?" He asked. "What do you think?" I chuckle.

I opened the fridge, pulling out my green grapes and putting them in a bowl. I washed them and sprinkled salt on them.

I walk back into the living room and sat on the couch. Jack plopped down beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Hit me," He says opening his mouth.

I take a grape and throw it towards his mouth. We spent about fifteen minutes tossing grapes back and forth until the doorbell rang.

"Come in!" I shout, throwing a grape at Jack. Gia and Johnson walk in and sit across from us. "Look at these cuties!" Gia swoons.

"Can you shut up please, this is intense," G says in a 'duh' tone. I threw a grape at him, and he caught it in his mouth at ease. "Okay, now we're available for conversation," I smile.

"We should do cute things like that," Gia squeals tapping Johnson's chest. "If only you weren't always busy face fucking," G sighs playfully shaking his head.

"Don't even," Johnson chuckles. Me and G continued tossing grapes back and forth, until the door flys open.

"Baby can you focus," Ella sings, "On me," Neels finished. Oh look, the biggest H.E.R enthusiast in the world.

"Hey guys!" Ella chirps, finally noticing us. "Hey Els," Gilinsky smiles, and oh lord that smile.

Ella notices me gawking, and catches my attention, before gilinsky does.

"Hey Pai, Gia, JJ, Neels, and I are going to a party tonight at club tantrum," Ella announced.

"— And you didn't think to invite us?" Gilinsky sasses. "I was literally about to," Ella scoffs jokingly. "Im down?" I looked at G with a questioning look.

"Guess we're going to a party," he shrugs.


"No thats too short,"

"Way too short,"

"Paisley what the hell is this?" G cursed every outfit i showed him. "What's wrong with them?" I smirk. "Nobody's seeing that but me," he mumbled.

We could always stay here and fu—

"Wear this," he smiles, handing me a floral dress. "That's Ella's and it's hideous," I grunt. He rolls his eyes digging in my closet. "Ah, this is the one," he chews his gum pulling out a red leather dress that stopped above my knees.

I ran to put it on and returned to my room. "Well?" I raise my brow. "Beautiful," he exaggerates, "I have great taste," he dust his shoulder.

"Seeya later cute thang," he winks, making that little click sound between his gums (a.n: dont know what its called)

Jack Gilinsky will be the death of me.

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