twenty four

84 2 0

Broken Clocks by Sza blared through my speakers as I sat in my bed, wasting time. I grabbed my slippers from underneath the bed, sliding them on.

I trudged to the bathroom and stared at my naked face. I shrugged, dipping my toothbrush under the water and covering it in toothpaste.

I bring the brush to my teeth and began brushing rapidly. Once I finished that, I wet my face following with a cleanser. I wash it off, toning my face and apply moisturizer.

I dug into my drawer, searching for a pair of leggings. I found my gray ones, and matched them with a white graphic tee that said "wildchild" on it.

I slid on a pair of random slides that I purchased from goodwill, and grabbed my luggage. I roamed down the hallway, and see Ella and Neels stretched across the couch, and Gia on the opposite couch cuddling pudge.

I shook my head, exiting my apartment and going to the airport.

I got my luggage checked in, and was on the plane almost immediately. I tucked my earbuds in and sunk down in the seat. This was only my third time flying, and it's no where near as awful as it is in movies.

There's hardly an obnoxious kid kicking your seat, and the food isn't extremely terrible. I began to observe my surroundings and smiling.

I noticed a young girl, maybe 10 or 9 sitting next to maybe her father as she became filled with excitement. She looked out the window enthusiastically, letting me know this was her first flight.

I noticed an older couple, with the wife resting her shoulder on her husbands as he gazed through a magazine.

I was awake the whole flight, and was become more anxious by the minute. Once my flight landed, I rushed off of the plane and began to claim my luggage. I was tired, but I refused to let sleep take over me.

I forced myself over to a coffee shop since starbucks wasn't open yet. I ordered a plain coffee with cream and sugar. All of a sudden my phone started vibrating like a madman, causing me to jump.


"Paisley where the hell are you!" Ella screamed in my ear. "Got dammit quit screaming," I say annoyed. "Answer my question," She yells again. "I'm sort of in Omaha," I chuckle nervously. "And you didn't think it was a good idea to invite us?" She questioned.

"There was only one ticket left," I sigh. "You're coming home immedia–"

"Gotta go bye!" I hang up. I walk outside with my luggage, instantly spotting my uber.

Once the car pulled up to the Jacks house, I twisted the door knob walking in. The tv was loud and my presence wasn't noticed. "A little help here ass hats?" I scoff.

There eyes instantly darting to me, making me smile. They ran towards me, engulfing me in hugs. "Paisley what the hell!" Johnson laughed. "I missed you guys," I smile brightly.

"Come on I want you to meet somebody," Gilinsky shouted. My heart dropped, as I waited for the person who i knew was Madison. G clapped his hand and Nomi came running towards me.

"Oh my lanta," I weep falling to my knees. I pick up the puppy and kiss her fur. "Where's cub?" I ask.

Johnson begins, "With–"

"The sitter," Gilinsky finished. Johnson gave him a weird look and slapped my bag against Gilinsky's chest. I followed Johnson to the room, Gilinsky following.

I pranced into the room and took my bag from G. "What do you wanna do?" Johnson wondered. "Depends, got any green grapes?" I tilt my head. "Duh you've got us hooked on 'em" G laughed.

"So i'm assuming you wanna eat grapes and watch netflix?" J points out. "Gosh you know me so well," I sigh wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"Lets go then!" J shouts, picking me up bridal style as I let out a shriek. Johnson carries me to the kitchen and sits me on a counter by the fridge.

"Pass me a bowl kid," He demands. I look around, grabbing a bowl from above me. He put the grapes in the bowl and handed them to me. I jumped down and rinsed them off, and handed them to G.

He began to sprinkle salt on top of them and went to the living room. "What else?" J asked. "Mango and Tajin," I recommend. "Mango and what now?" He squinted.

I rolled my eyes, pulling a drawer open in the process. I grabbed a fruit peeler and a couple of mangos. "What are you –"

"Shut up please," I smile, peeling a mango. "Get me a bowl Gilinskank," I demand. He hands me one and i grab a knife. I slice the mango into chunks and run upstairs to grab my Tajin. I come back and pour it on the mango.

"Taste is fuckboys," I sigh. They each grab a mango, and then another, and then another. "Make more of that," G points. "Where'd you get this idea from?" J asked.

"They sell it on food trucks in Manhattan," I shrug. "You drive to Manhattan just for this?" Gilinsky laughed.

"Go fuck yourself," I snap back, snatching the bowl as I walked to the living room.

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