Chapter 2: Saved by (y/c/n)

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(Y/c/n) POV

"(Y/C/N) WAKE UP OR YA GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" Is what my mom said/yelled. Some way to start of the day. "Im up im up jeez" is all I said. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I put on my outfit for today since me and my gang are going to school matching for the first day of school and to see my bae

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I put on my outfit for today since me and my gang are going to school matching for the first day of school and to see my bae.I left my hair how I normally do.

I went downstairs to see mom cooking and dad was in a rush for work , I hate that he works. He always comes at like 12 at night.

Anyways mom made bacon and eggs with orange juice. I literally swallowed all my food in less than 3 minutes and left I haven't seen my bae all this summer and my dudes. I was at summer camp which MOM made me go to. It was..............ok...not bad.

I Grabbed my Dark red bookbag and left and phone and left my house. I was gonna stop by The store to buy something for my girl when all of a sudden,


I threw ALL my stuff to the ground and ran up to her and grabbed her bridal style and jumped out the way. We both fell on the side walk. " Are you ok!?".

(Y/n) POV

"Are you ok!?" Is what I heard that sounded like a boys voice. I open my eyes to see a (c/h/c) haired boy with (c/e/c) sparkling eyes. "Y..y..yea......I'm fine thank you....". Why the hell was i stuttering. "You should really be more careful next time....I won't always be  here to protect you" The (c/h/c) haired boy said. I blushed SO hard. He noticed what he said and saw me blushing and he blushed to.

(Y/c/n) POV

" WAITT.....I didn't mean it like that....w..what I meant is like....umm.." She laughed slightly. "Its ok I knew what you meant...kinda". "My name is
(Y/c/n) How bout you" Is what I asked/said. "(Y/n)....". I helped her up and when I did......We both starred into each others eyes. She broke the connection and said "Oh no I'm gonna be late.... Crap in sorry I have to go thank you again (Y/c/n)!!" She said running off.

I laughed a little. "Ha.....Anytime..........
(Y/n)  ......hopefully
We'll see each other day

I grabbed my stuff that I threw and left...on my way to school.....I looked at my watch to see that it was 7:56 and school starts at 8:00,Well........looks like I'm gonna be late to.


Another chapter DONE !!! YEAHH

Hopefully you guys like it

(Y/c/n) : Your crush name
(H/c) : Hair color
(C/h/c) : Crush hair color
(C/e/c) : Crush eye color

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