together forever

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you and I,we can make it forever

nothing and no one can tear us apart

and we been friends since five but we grew to love each other

and then we got together at age thirteen

I promised forever and I will keep that promise

cause I want to spend my life with the person I love

and as are parents go on with their feud

we had to meet each other in secret

but then you were told you had to move away out of my New York

cause they found out about us and they don't approve of it

and we only been together for a year and a half....when we wanted forever

we promised that we never move on cause I told you that I will search for you

..........and as the years go by from the promises that were made

when we were fourteen and now to age twenty-two

I still haven't found you and I almost gave up

but at a coffee shop in New York I bumped into this girl

right when I was going to apologize to the mysterious girl

we looked at each other me and her have realize that we found each other

and after all the waiting and searching was worth finding you again

and never letting go ever again cause this love is stronger than steal

and it may have a few dents at times

but it can be mended again

and that's what happened for us

we had been together from young till-death

and I wouldn't want it any other way

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