~ Plaything ~

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Gumball gritted his teeth as Marshall laughed at him. He sat in chocolate goop that Marshall oh so kindly tripped him into. Anger stained his pink cheeks and it took all he had to not spazz out on the vampire.

"Need help up, Gumwad?" Marshall snickered.

Gumball gave him a pointed glare and stood up. How dare he do this, he thought. How dare he think this funny. Without a word, Gumball turned on his heels and stomped off. He didn't want to look at Marshall in fear of him losing his marbles. After all this time he was still as infuriating as ever.

Gumball knew he was being followed even without turning around. He just knew Marshall was floating along behind him with that stupid grin of his plastered across his face. The thought made him boil. His cool slipped ever so slightly.

"Can't you go play somewhere else,"Gumball just about hissed. "Go find Fionna or someone to play tricks on."

Gumball could almost hear the smile in Marshall's voice when he said, "But I wanna play with you~"

Something snapped in the pink prince and he whirled around. He locked eyes with Marshall who almost ran into him. "Well I don't!" The Prince screamed. "I want to go home and clean off this goop and have a civilized conversation with someone, anyone, other than you!"

Marshall's eyes widened to saucers before they narrowed in on Gumball. "Gee," he said. "That was sooo nice of you, Your Highness. What has your panties in a twist?"

"You!" Gumball clenched his fists. "You do nothing but piss me off and play horrible jokes on me. Aren't we lovers? You don't act like you care for me in that way besides when we're in bed together! You're just a horrible player and I'm tired of being your plaything!

"Never come near me again."

Without waiting for a response, Gumball turned around and stomped back to his castle. He didn't want to hear what Marshall had to say. He had enough. Tears prickled at the corners of his eyes. He was going to make sure this was the last time he let Marshall treat him like crap.

After a long hot shower, Gumball retired to his bed. He flopped down, burying his face in his pillow. An empty sadness hung in the air. Despite what he said, he missed Marshall. He just wanted go cuddle up go him and apologize.

"I just want you to love me, Marshall."

The tears slipped before he had a chance to reign them in. He sobbed, calling out for the vampire. Was this really the end? Was he really never going to see Marshall again?

Somewhere in between sobs he fell asleep. He woke up and snuggled into his pillow. It was warm, cradling him in an odd way. He stretched out and wrapped his arms around...

"Marshall!?" The prince sat up fast, putting distance in between the two. Marshall lay on his back, red eyes staring directly at the pink prince. "What are you doing here? I told you never come around me again.

His heart was beating fast. He took in every last inch of the vampire. It was really Marshall. Bare chested, like he always was in Gumball's bed. The ache to touch him grew strong.

Marshall shifted into a sitting position, pulling Gumball from his trance. "I call that a lover's spat." He grinned wide. "You can't get rid of me that easily, Bubba~"

Wonder and anger rose inside Prince Gumball. Marshall was still playing with him. He hadn't learned a thing from their argument. But his voice... Gumball faltered. Maybe he was sincere?

One look at Marshall and all thoughts of sincerity flew from his mind. This was Marshall, the vampire king. He was never sincere. He just loved to play jokes on everyone and get what he wants. Gumball turned away.

Prince Gumball x Marshall Lee (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now