~Long Night~

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Marshall sat in his house strumming on his guitar and humming quietly. He was expecting a visit from Gumball but as the hours steadily pasted, he began to doubt the prince. He shrugged it off and began to play a new song he had wanted Gumball to hear. "Bubba was probably messing with me. Sneaky little boy, getting my hopes up."

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was a familiar, unhurried knock that sent Marshall's unbeating heart lurching painfully.

Gumball stood outside, hair wet from the sudden rain, panting slightly. "I'm sorry, Marshall. I would have been here earlier but the Fluffy People needed me. I'm sorry I'm so late."

Marshall smiled. "It's okay, Bubba. I forgive you." He pulled Gumball inside and closed the door. Wrapping his arms around his waist he leaned closer and whispered, "You'll just have to make it up to me ❤"

Gumball went onto his tiptoes and put his arms around Marshall, giving him a kiss Marshall didn't see coming. His pink tongue found its way into the vampires' mouth as the kiss deepened.

"Wow," Marshall said as they parted. He was panting now, slightly harder than the prince. "I've never seen this side of you before, Gumball."

Gumball smiled and kissed Marshall again. "I was impatient. I wanted to see you." He pushed forward into the house. Marshall backed up only to fall back onto the couch. Gumball straddled him, bending over to kiss the vampire roughly. "Show me how 'oh so very large' it is, hmm?"

Marshall gasped in surprise when the prince started to grind on him. He felt himself getting harder and harder. He grabbed Gumball by the hips and flipped him over.

Gumball smiled a sexy smile and reached out towards Marshall's pants. He slowly took them off, teasing and playing with Marshall.

The vampire king panted and moaned at the pink boy's touch. He could barely control his voice as he felt himself surrounded by the warm, wet mouth of his lover. He looked down to see Gumball looking up at him. The prince licked up Marshall's shaft, setting him off.

Marshall came hard in Gumball's mouth. He swallowed every drop, licking his lips when he was done and winking to his lover.

"I hope you aren't finished yet, Marshall. The night isn't over yet."

Prince Gumball x Marshall Lee (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now