Two: Kota & Nate

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I had an hour to kill before Target opened at 8AM, so I spent a few dollars on a cup of coffee and breakfast sandwich at McDonalds, sitting in my car outside the store eating and reading a book on the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918. I first heard about it when reading an overview of American History for my GED prep, and became fascinated that something could have such a huge and lasting impact on our country and culture, but be virtually unknown when talking about the 20th century. People remember the wars and things like Woodstock and Elvis, they don't seem to remember a flu outbreak that killed upwards of 100 million people across the globe. I was really lucky to find this at a used bookstore because I normally can only read books like this at the library, which really cuts into my ability to obsess 24/7, but I can't check anything out. No library card. This book, though - it's really taking me down a rabbit hole, and I already have two more books on my list for when I finish it, one about the early days of the AIDS epidemic and another more general medical history book. I think what really fascinates me about it is the mix of science, politics, and psychology that surrounds these stories, but sometimes I have to tell myself they are just fiction so I don't get angry at the ignorance and selfishness that seems to go hand in hand with public health crises. I'm so wrapped up in my book that I don't even realize 8AM has come and gone until a trio of people walk past my car towards the store, two guys around my age and a younger girl, the boys talking loudly and laughing about something that makes the girl squeal at them in annoyance. They seem so happy and, I don't know... carefree, I guess. Not burdened.

By the time I've gathered up my bag and tucked my book inside, locked my car, and headed towards the store, the three have disappeared inside the sliding doors.

I grab a cart and make my way to the bedding aisle, finding the cheapest set of plain white sheets, a new pillow, and a couple fleece throws on clearance. I also pick out another mattress cover and pillow covers, investing in the best quality ones I can find; the sheets can be bleached, but the mattress? Not so much. As I'm wandering through the other aisles, daydreaming about the day I have my own place and can buy things like throw pillows and vases for fresh flowers, I hear the loud voices and laughter of the boys from outside again, still teasing the young girl apparently.

"...come on, Jess, just pick one! I don't want to be here anymore than you do but Mom is stuck at work."

"How about this one?"

"NATE! Put that back! My sister isn't going to wear cheetah print!"

"That's not even the right size, dummy," the girl's voice was a little quieter than the other two, and sounded simultaneously mortified and flattered. I had a feeling I knew what they were shopping for, and I decided it was my civic duty to rescue this young girl. I pushed my cart towards the lingerie section and found them exactly where I expected.

"Umm, hi," I said, ignoring the two boys and talking only to the girl. She was cute - around thirteen or fourteen, tops, with dark brown hair in a ponytail and glasses with stylish pink frames. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and wondered if I could help? As a girl myself, I also have boobs and can offer you better advice than these two yahoos."

She glanced over at the boys - I assume, because my eyes were still glued onto her and refusing to even acknowledge them - and then began to giggle, loudly, before covering her mouth with her hand.

"Don't cover your smile," I said, touching her arm, "it's way too cute to hide." I grinned at her and she practically glowed from the compliment, and even better, her hand dropped away and her smile lit up. I gestured over to the right area, the junior size bras, and we walked towards it together with me tossing back over my shoulder "Guys, find something to do for about twenty minutes or so, and then she'll be ready to go."

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