Chapter 5 continue

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Red: I can't believe my little girl called John what's going on?
John: bro be strong ok sigh she reached out to us because she needs our help we need to bring them back to us here safe and sound I know your with Lexi and your kid but skylar needs us, also because Maddie got into prison I don't know the details but she's on prison. Also sky is the mother of her own brothers which is weird.

Red: Welp we gotta bring them  back somehow hmmm oh I wish Matthew can help us out although I heard he's with his wife and she being a lunatic hmm I'm gonna give him a call

*red calls Matthew*

M- Hello
R- Hey Matthew long time I haven't heard from ya
M-  r-red my best friend how are ya
R- In a crisis dude are u back in Texas
M- Yeah I am actually I had to come back for my job why what's going on
R- Well um sky called us a while ago to tell us that your sister in law is in prison
M- Omg how did that happen? If I can I'm gonna go see her okay, I'll keep u updated don't worry I'll try to help her, I gotta go bye *ends call*

Red: He said he was gonna help us out and check sky to see how she's doing sigh I miss her and my kids I wonder how big they are.

John: Don't worry man they will be alright just focus on your kid with Lexi she doesn't want you to turn your back on her, I wouldn't want that brother.

Red: Your right bro.

Meanwhile back in Texas...

Skylar: Hey brothers enough this is crazy Cody enough you guys are so insane *gets a call*
M- Hey sky it's your dad Matthew how are ya
S- d-d-dad I can't take it anymore please help me out, me and my brothers are locked in a house. The government gives us free food and we don't go to school, my mom is in jail and she didn't care about us.

M- Sigh she's not like that I know Maddie wouldn't, but ok listen send me you address I'll be there today and please open for me ok, I'll help u and you guys need to get back to Ohio as soon as possible.

S- Thanks dad I really miss red if he's still my dad and I miss you too I wish I could be back with both of you I need ya I'm desperate.

M- Your welcome I'll stop by today okay I love you

S- I love you too bye

Skylar: Finally I'm saved sigh I never thought I could hear from my dad again I'm so happy thanks red for watching out for me from Ohio I miss you daddy!!! Sigh come on guys get down food is ready!!

Twins: yayy food!!!

Cliffhanger I'll leave it there until next time see ya


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