Chapter 26 Flasback

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Wild POV

My name is Wild Smith I am married to a wonderful woman named Skylar Kim drew Smith. My family is Red Quinn Smith, he's my actual son but before that I was married to Tiffany Liz Smith. She was the bestest wife I can remember with her we had two sons, My son Red and my other son named John, we were a happy family when all of the sudden we were on the road and a car hit us. I lost conscience and ended up in the hospital Not remembering a single thing about my family I knew they were ok, they came out ok but for some reason, they told my fam I disappear from them and I was never to be found. It was true because they transported me to a diff hospital so I would not see them, they took my wallet only with my picture of me and my name as Wild. After they release me from there I was lost I ended up in Ohio. Before I got an apartment I had to find me some money so I can buy it, I remember seeing this girl and she asked me if I had money , I told her no so she got the apartment just for me and I got at least one picture of A person I don't recognize still, my memory has been lost since then. This girl has been helping me with financial stuff and I can't thank her enough for it. Now she's my beautiful wife, yup Skylar has been helping me since we met and we fell deeply in love we have a daughter named Kathy!! She's so adorable. The best thing in my life has happened. Her father gave me her blessing to marry her and to cherish her always, I'm a good man and I love myself of who I am, hopefully I'll find myself soon, until then I am enjoying my new family in my new house. Thanks red for being there for me in the good times and bad times.

Skylar: Wild why you crying?

Wild: Gah lee you scared me and I'm not crying why you think that.

Skylar: You have watery eyes.

Wild: No I don't I'm just writing in my journal, Look at it if you want!

Skylar: I read it already I'm a fast reader XD.

Wild: I don't want to hide nothing from you I wrote that a long time ago but I don't remember nothing of what I said.

Skylar: It's ok don't force yourself if you do someday you will get your memory back, your still married to me Always and I love you babe you know that.

Wild: Yeah I know. Sigh I'm just worried that's all.

Skylar: Don't be!!! I'm here for you and kathy is here for you too.

Wild: Thanks you too, you mean a lot to me.

Red:  Knock knock you guys ok.

Skylar: Hi dad!!! Yeah we're ok.

Red: I came to see my granddaughter!!!

Wild: I believe she's asleep

Skylar: Nope she's awake she heard daddy!!

Red: How in the world

Wild: I guess she's smart lol

Red: Hi little princess hey cutie pie.

Skylar: Say hi to grandpa princess.

Wild: She's so adorable.

Red: She is, best gift for me to be a grandfather.

Skylar: You know you were always that dad even if we were separated!!!

Wild: Yeah

Red: I know thanks!

Skylar: Dad What happened to Matthew!!

Red: He got sentenced for life in prison he can never get out only to see his kiddos which he never had.

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