Chapter 12 funeral day

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Hey guys Red here updating this book in a while. I know I left it behind since I'm updating my new book falling for you check it out as well I want it to have 100 reads by the end of September so enjoy that book anyway, last time I left it with them going to bed and next day being the funeral of Maddie and red rejoining with his friends and his kids. Surprises are coming to this chapter oh yeah get ready to be shocked. Lets get started.

The next morning...

M- Wake up boys time to dress up

J- ugh no daddy five more mins

T- Ugh fine time to get up.

M- Come on Jordy.

J- Groans fine I'm up dad

C- Good morning dad is Red up yet?

M- I haven't checked yet. I was about to do that would you help your brothers get ready.

C- Yes dad do we have to go over there?

M- Yes son it's your mom funeral.

C- Okay fine I'll help my brothers

M- Girls you woke him up.

R- Actually they drop me off the bed right now there strong and I'm up.

M- You silly girls come here let's take you guys a bath.

P- Morning Dada

K- Morning Dada

R- Good morning girls

T- Here Matt let me take over with them get the rest ready.

A- Red you up oh good you are. Morning bro

M- Skylar and wild you guys up.

W- Hmm half awake

S- I'm awake but he's not dad

M- May I come in.

S- Sure.

M- Did you sleep well.

S- Yeah I did I was happy I slept with wild he makes me calm.

M- Oh good get ready and wake him up okay breakfast is ready soon.

S- Okay dad and I missed ya um a lot has happened that you need to know.

M- Okay we'll talk later I promise.

Time skip....

Attorney: We are gathered here today to say goodbye to one of the greatest
Person yet who suffered a lot of pain Maddie Smith, but she left a letter for me to read to all of you guys.

Dear red,
I am so sorry for abandoning our kids at that time I was hurt and couldn't think straight I did some bad stuff that made me forget about the kids specially the little girls who we're so close to me and attached to me. Anyway I wanna say I forgive you because I couldn't stay mad at you that you left me and divorced me like that. When I went to jail I started feeling dizzy and not well every time I ate I throw up and I was asking myself why did I do that. I couldn't Find an answer to it until a doctor came to see me and check me, and said "ma'am your expecting a kid" I was shocked when I heard the news I couldn't believe it again. I thought for once after Paige and Katherine I couldn't have any more children, but after the doctor told me I was having another I was happy and shocked. Time flies and my belly was growing and I found out the gender of the baby it's a girl. A beautiful baby girl. I was having A hard time being in jail that I wanted to get out and tell you the news. But I couldn't because I was stuck and at the same time feelings came to me all over again. I went and ask the doc if I can do a DNA sample for the baby of who the dad was and it took 3 days to give me the answer.  The day finally came and it revealed that it was you, Red. I was happy but at the same time mad because you left me with all my feelings broken and I was gonna give her for adoption, so you couldn't find her at all but being in jail taught me not to be mean and I cared for this baby until she can be born. I was thinking of names and names but I finally got one after all. Her name was gonna me abbagail short for abby smith. So red with all my heart in this world I let you take over abby so u can watch her and love her as much as u did for our kids. Skylar honey I cared for u so much you we're my little girl back then before paige and katherine came along. You and your dad made my happiness feel so much alive, i can't thank u enough for being the best daughter ever. Thank you for watching out for the boys and the girls, as taking over for me being a mom to them. I heard about it in jail and started crying just because how I left you guys. Paige and Katherine I loved you girls so much you we're attach to me and I'm gonna be watching u guys from above. Boys I love you so much I'm sorry for not caring at all I hope you ever forgive me for being a bad mother I love you guys. Red, also I heard about the fight between you and sky and how she switched to John I hope one day you will make up and be back together. It would be my wish.
Love, Maddie.

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