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Ice group.....

Leader (alpha)-Ice (White with grey specks wolf with blue eyes- turns completely white in ice wolf form)

Deputy (beta)-Snow (White wolf with blue eyes)

Healer-Frost(Grey wolf with green-yellow eyes)


Blizzard(small white wolf with grey speckles and silver eyes)

Shiver(Silver wolf with light brown eyes)

Winter(fluffy white wolf with forest green eyes)

Alaska(White wolf with glowing blue eyes)

North(midnight black wolf with green eyes)

Crystal(Grey and black wolf with blue-grey eyes)

Holly(Black wolf with purple eyes)

Ivy(caramel brown wolf with emerald eyes)

Flurry(White wolf with amber eyes)

Juniper(red-brown wolf with emerald eyes)

Aspen(Black with white specks wolf pewter eyes)

Storm(Grey and white wolf with stormy grey eyes)

Luna(Light blue-grey wolf with forest green eyes)

Fire group......

Leader (alpha)-Fire(midnight black wolf with icy eyes)

Deputy (beta)-Blaze(reddish wolf with brown eyes)

Healer-Flame(black wolf with blood red eyes)


Burn(black and brown wolf with white eyes)

Coal(Black wolf with black eyes)

Ash(small black wolf with silver eyes)

Forest(black wolf with forest green eyes)

Ray(bright reddish wolf with yellow eyes)

Sun(tan wolf with amber eyes)

Smoke(grey wolf with green eyes)

Spark(black wolf with tints of red and amber eyes)

Spitfire(red wolf with one amber eye and one yellow eye)

Red(orangish wolf with green-grey eyes)

Ember(reddish wolf with one blue eye and one green eye)

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