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"When the two forces meet, the last battle will occur....."

A voice murmured softly into two young wolf pups fuzzy ears, one smokey grey, the other midnight black.

The midnight pup stirred in his sleep. His head popped up and, he stretched, and then moved to wake the smaller grey wolf. He prodded her gently in the side.

"Ice, I'm going to go outside, want to come?" The dark pup asked, excited to get some fresh air. It was probably about two A.M. in the morning, and he couldn't sleep any longer. Its been hours since they exited the cave. 

The two pups were siblings, the grey one being older than the black one by a couple of minutes. They lived alone; their parents had disappeared when they were very young. 

"Sure, Fire, I'll come," Ice responded, sleepily. Ice loved to sleep, she was upset that her brother stirred her...but she was to hungry to complain. They both walked out of their small cave to be surrounded by a lush, green, forest rich with prey and fruits.

"Tag, you're it, Fire!" Ice shouted happily, getting a random burst of energy, and quickly scampering away from her brother. She looked back and gave a yip of delight.

"I'll get you, Ice!" He yelped, happy to be doing something other than hunting or sleeping. Just as he was getting closer to his sister, they heard a twig snap. Ice and Fire stopped their play abruptly.

"What was that?" Ice asked slightly startled.

"Probably just a bunny or something," Fire said smoothly. Ice shook her head, refusing to forget the noise so quickly.

"That stick sounded too big for just a tiny bunny to break it.." She stuck her muzzle in the air and breathed in, "It doesn't smell like a bunny either..." she dipped her head down by Fire and lowly growled, "It smells like more wolves to me."

Ice and Fire didn't have to wait long to figure out what the noise was because a striking grey she-wolf gracefully jumped out of the bushes close to where they heard the twig snap. Her bright eyes snapped to Ice. She grinned and walked up to Ice. She then gently snatched Ice up by the scruff and sprinted away.

"Ice!" Fire cried out sadly, already missing his sister's presence. Another wolf, but black, walked out from behind a tree on the opposite side of the forest and ran up to where Fire was standing. He then roughly grabbed Fire by the scruff and ran as quickly as he could, far away from their small cave, deep in the woods.

The two siblings were separated.

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