Chapter 2

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You're not the only one in the forest

Fire's P.O.V

I can't believe it! I saw another wolf in the forest.....I swear I recognized those eyes from somewhere but I couldn't let the wolf discover me.... I have to go tell Heatwave! I bounded off further into the woods not slowing down until I got to the dens, excited to tell Heatwave the news. Heatwave was a dark wolf, pure black with black eyes. Sometimes it feels like he is looking into your soul. I shuddered. That one night in the woods with my sister feels like yesterday even though it was 10 years ago.....I miss her a lot, It was better living with her. Where I am now isn't a great place, our leader is very cruel, but he chose me as beta of the pack so that's good, maybe when he passes I can make this pack less brutal. That night when he grabbed me and ran off I kept hearing him mutter under his breath I have the chosen one, now I must teach him the fire pack ways before I pass on..... I wonder what he meant by 'the chosen one'....... I ran through the forest, faster now, eager to tell him the news. These wolves could be a threat to us and we must destroy them. I got to the dens, and found heatwave eating a deer.

"Heatwave!" I shouted. "Can I have a word with you please?"

"Yes, what is it?" He looked up.

"I found something that could concern the safety of our pack" I replied stiffly. Heatwave sat up, clearly interested.

"Go on what is it?" He said eagerly....probably eager to kill the threat.

"More wolves in the forest, I saw one sitting on the ground, I don't think the wolf spotted me, she seemed like she was catching her breath." I replied, looking straight into Heat-wave's dark, haunting eyes.

"Interesting...." he looked thoughtful. "Take three other wolves with you and capture at least one of them, then take them to me." He said looking satisfied. I nodded my head in response and left to find three wolves that I would want to take with me. I found Ash and Coal, the two twins of the pack....they were nice enough. "Hey Ash, Coal, would you like to come with me to the other end of the forest to capture the wolf I found in the woods today?"

"Sure" the two brothers said in usion.

"Great, let's go find Ember and take her with us" I said, relieved that they said yes. I found Ember laying on the ground staring at a bug. "Ember!" I shouted and she looked up at me curious.

"What?" she replied. I quickly asked the same question I asked Ash and Coal. "Yea, sure I'll come." she agreed. We walked out of the camp and set off, deeper into the woods.

The Two ForcesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora