The Natives Take Interest

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I woke up feeling as if something would happen today,

" Jace, get it together" I told myself as I got a towel, I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, but in the mirror, I see that my hair was turning white, the majority of my hair is white, some black streaks remained, I guess my DNA was making me more advanced,

" It's ok, Jace" I said as I got undressed, I got in and the water felt good on my skin, but it slightly made my scars burn, as I showered, I let my mind wander, but stopped after my memories began to override my brain,

" The past can't hurt you" I told myself, I turned the shower off and got a towel, but as I saw my body in the mirror, I stopped, I saw all the scars, the claw marks and needle points, I felt some of them and felt memories filling my mind, I shook my head and dried off.

' Don't let these memories shackle you" I told myself as I got on a long sleeve shirt and sweats, I got to the Link Room, I got into the link bed and shut the top, I let my mind go blank, I woke up in my Avatar body, I got up and sighed, Jake and Grace are up,

" Alright, Jace we are going into the forest" Grace said as I soon found myself walking to a copter, I sat down, we started to fly, I watched as nature went flying or going about their normal business, we got down on the ground, I got out, my hunter's knife was in my back pocket, nature's scents were wafting in my nose, noises were tuned down, I relaxed, as Grace, Norm and Jake were behind me, I see a syaksyuk, a Prolemur, it tilted it's head at me, I picked a fruit and held it in my hand, it purred and got on my shoulder.

' Hey little buddy' I said in Na'vi, it purred as I scratched it's head, Jake pointed the gun at it, I hissed as Jake,

" Prolemurs, they're not aggressive. Relax marine, you're making me nervous." Grace said as she made his gun go down, I smiled as the Prolemur went up in the tree, I saw that Grace and Norm were studying the electrical pulses of the Pandora, I smiled as I see Jake messing with some of the flora, it went into the ground, then more flora went into the ground and revealed an Angtsìk, an Hammerhead Titanothere, it roared out at Jake and I,

" Don't shot, you'll piss him off." Grace said as I see her and Norm behind a tree, Jake stared at her,

" It's already pissed off." Jake yelled at her, I got to Jake's side, my knife out and in my hand, the creature hit's it large heads on two large trees.

" Jake, that armor is too thick, trust me." I told him, he needs to know this if he is going to survive on Pandora, Jake pulls his gun back, the Hammerhead Titanothere growls at Jake and I,

" It's a territorial threat display, do not run or he'll charge." Grace told us, I already knew this for god sakes, but I have to remember, Jake doesn't know this.

" So what do I do? Dance with it?" Jake asked as Grace swallowed, she was nervous, I can see and smell it on her, she swallowed,

" Just, hold your ground." She told him, I took in a deep breath, then Jake and I ran at it as it ran at us, we yelled and it roared then stopped, it let out a whimper,

" C'mon, what you got?! Who's bad? That's right. That's what I'm talking about bitch." Jake yelled as it backed away, it roared out as if it was afraid, I smelt death in the form of something,

" That's right, get your punk ass back to mommy. You got nothing, keep running. Why don't you bring back some friends." Jake yelled, I stiffened as a growl filled my ears, it was predatorial, I turned around and saw a Palulukan, a thanator, it jumped over Jake and I, roaring out at the Angtsìk, they roar out at the jungle creature, then it turn to us, growling with those sharp teeth,

" What about this one? Run, don't run, what?!" Jake asked as the Palulukan growl as it raised it claws at Jake and I.

" Run, definitely run Jake!" I screamed at him, we ran as I can hear the Palulukan running after us, I decided to move to the west, the creature followed Jake, I used my knife and climbed a tree, I had to get my barrings together,

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