A Renascence

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Jake and I gave our goodbyes to Max and the staff, we're gonna be giving our last video logs,

" The aliens went back to their dying world. Only a few were chosen to stay." Jake said to the computer, I was on the side,

" The time of Great Sorrow was ending. Toruk Makto was no longer needed." He told it, the time off sorrow was indeed over,

" Well, I guess this is my last video log." He told it, this was the truth and nothing was changing it,

" Whatever happens tonight... Either way, I'm not gonna be coming back to this place." Jake said as I see him looking at me,

" Well I guess I better go. I don't want to be late for my own party. It's my birthday after all." He said with a smile, he was rubbing his tattoo.

" This is Jake Sully signing off." Jake said before he turned off the video camera, I sighed before logging on one last time,

" I feel as if a giant weight was lifted off of my shoulders" I said as I smiled, this was the truth,

" Everything was lost, till Jake and I lead everything back to peace" I smiled at this, I twirled my hair in my hands,

" Everyone who was against Eywa is leaving, but the ones who stood with Eywa is staying" I smiled as I grinned, the first actual grin in months,

" I'm never coming back here,nothing left here except being human, I'll become a True Na'Vi" I say as I give a peace symbol to the camera,

" This is Jaclyn Moon Leaving Hell's Gate forever" I told it before turning the camera off and sighing out.

" I'll miss this place" I said as I smiled at Jake, he smiled back,

" Hey Jake?" I asked as he smiled at me,

" Yeah?" He asked as I was rubbing my scars,

" You're like a big brother to me" I told him as he smiled at me.

" You're family to me Jace" He told me as I smiled at him, I got to my room, I had nothing I wanted to bring, except I see a necklace, I opened it up and see a picture of my family, my mother, father and grandmother, I shed a few tears and then hold it, this is something I want to take with me to my new life,

" The hateful part of my past is not longer apart of my future" I told myself as I smiled, the weight was truly being lifted from my shoulders,

" See ya Max" I told him, he hands me a mask and I put it on and it lets oxygen in, Jake had a mask on his face, we were soon transported in a Samson close to the Tree Of Souls, Neytiri has our Avatar Bodies there, Grace got rid of my clothes and covers my private parts in leaves, she carries me, I see Jake's human body being surrounded by Atokirina, they go to Jake's Avatar body,

" Ma Jake" Neytiri asked as I see Jake's Avatar eyes open, I also see Jake's human body stopped breathing, the transfer was successful, the roots fall from his body, I see Mo'At taking Jake's human body and placing it into the under roots of the tree, there was another and I believe it's for my human body,

" How was it Jake?" I asked as I see him smiling,

" I saw Tommy" He said as I see a tear fall from his eyes, I nodded at this.

" Ma Jace, Eywa is not to be feared" Tsu'Tey tells me as I feel myself being set upon the tree's roots, feeling the life upon then, my back was on the ground, I feel another body being set close to my own, must be my Avatar body,

" I don't fear her" I said smiling at this, I see Atokirina coming from the tree, I see Mo'At beginning the ritual, I feel tiny roots grip onto my skin, I feel something go to the back of my neck, then everything goes black, but as it went black, I see colors, like the tunnel when entering my Avatar body,

" Jaclyn" A voice I heard as I see three people whom I missed oh so much.

" Mom, Dad, Grandma" I cried as they embraced me,

" We didn't sell you to those insatiable people" Dad told me as I nodded,

" I knew you didn't" I said as I knew the truth,

" We hope that Tsu'Tey gives you the life you should of had" Mom says as I see them fading, their time must be short,

" Tell Tsu'Tey that he'll make a great father" Dad said as I see that my Avatar body was a bit different,

" Wait am I?" I asked as Grandmother smiled,

" Yes" She replied, I feel them hold me, but their warmth was nice, I let them go and as I did so, I felt Pandora air filling my lungs, I opened my eyes to see that I was in my Avatar body, my permanent body, I get up to see my non breathing human body.

" Ma Jace" Tsu'Tey says as he holds me, I kiss him and he kisses back, we parted, I watched as Mo'At was about to take my body, I lift a hand and kneel down to my body, I take a knife and cut off the long braid from the base of my human skull,

" My family takes their hair with them to death, I'll take mine with me into my new life" I told her as I take the hair band and tied off the start of the braid to keep it, then tie it to my waist,

" Tsu'Tey, my love, I'm pregnant" I say as he looked surprised at me,

" My family showed me" I told him as he smiled then held me close,

" I love you so much, Ma Jace" Tsu'tey tells me as he places his hands on my belly, he walks me over to our spot and I sit down, Tsu'tey places his head on my flat stomach and rests his head there.

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