You're Ready

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This Chapter Contains Lemon

I sat down in front of the computer and began logging what I have learned for almost three months,

" This is video log 9. Time is 10:32. Location, shack." I told the camera, I see myself on the screen, I let out a sigh,

" Days are starting to pull everything together." I told it as I shuttered a little, but calmed down,

" The language was easy to learn, its fluent, easy, like English." I told it, remembering the Tsu'tey's face when he saw I could keep up,

" Norm's attitude is improved lately, I teach him more and more after I get back." I told it as I see Norm coming my way, nodding, I waved my hand at him, then turned back to the camera, I begin to rub a pair of big scars,

" Being on Earth, it was just pain and enduring the things that I had to deal with, everything was horrible, no life and no freedom, just an experiment is what they thought of me, even the nightmare are becoming stronger, screaming myself awake, it's unhealthy. I feel like the memories are becoming harder to tell if I am either away or asleep" I told myself then remembered where I was,

" But here, On Pandora, it's not just I'm apart of something, it's like apart of my life, simple yet adventurous," I said smiling at the situation.

" I feel I'm getting tougher. Physically, mentally and spiritually," I said as I pointed to my body, then motioning my mind, after that, I flowed my hands to show what I meant,

" I can run farther every day, see better, feel better and know better," I said as I began to rub my hands together, memories flowed and moved about, as if trying to make me remember, but I then suppress it,

" Every day it's reading the trail, track's of the wild home, tiniest scents and sounds. I knew a lot, everything was easy to do, but learning more was the fun part." I grinned at this, smiling as in the screen I see Grace, she was analyzing something,

" He's always going on about the flow of energy the spirits of animals, I understand that." I said as I heard Grace snort,

" With Tsu'tey, it's learn or get left behind." I said as I felt myself finally relax, spiritually.

" I understand the deep connection the people have to the forest. Tsu'tey talks about a network of energy that flows through all living things." I said as I then rolled my hands,

" He says, all energy is only borrowed and one day you have to give it back." I said as I was smiling,

" He wants you to become a warrior of the Omaticaya" She said as I chuckled,

" Well it's thanks to Jake and I for letting Grace back into the Clan" I told the camera, I was smiling, generally speaking true, I stopped the recording and went to the Link Bed, I put the sequence in then I got into the link, I made my mind go blank, I soon woke up in my Avatar, I got out of the hammock, Tsu'tey had a weapon on him,

" JaceMoon, today is you hunt a Yerik" Tsu'tey said as he was giving me a bow, I took it and then called my Pa'li, she came to me and I petted her head. I connected my queue to her and got on, Tsu'tey followed me on his own Pa'li, we soon find a spot and I see tracks.

" Here" I called to him in a quiet tone, I get under a giant leaf, the creature was right there, I got an arrow, carefully pulling the string back, it sees me, and hisses, I let the arrow fly, it hits,

" Come" I told Tsu'tey, he fallows as I got my dagger, the Yerik was down and moaning in pain,

'I hear you brother. and thank you.' I tell it, carefully stabbing it's heart, it's head collapses,

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