War Is Upon Us

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It was the start of war, I heard Luna growling at this, I had a radio on my neck,

' Let's go' Jake told us through the comm, I fly down, soon bullets go flying, Luna goes and moves to miss an attack,

" Brother, I'm gonna punch a hole, you follow me through." Jake told Tsu'Tey, whom replied at this, I began shooting my gun, I see an enemy Samson go down, I cried out as I see an enemy going to me, I have Luna dive down, the Samson kept following me, but I lift up and Luna turns,

" DIE" I snarled before giving a head shot, Luna cries out and we fly up,

" Jake, Jace you copy? We're falling back! We're getting hammered!" Norm cries to the comm.

" Copy, get out of there." Jake told him, I see Tsu'Tey going down,

" NOO" I cried out as I see Luna twisting her body, she was feeling the pain in the bond,

" Sorry Jake." Trudy's voice came up, I watched as her heli blew up, we are losing.

" Tsu'Tey, brother do you read?" Jake's voice came through the comm,

" Jake he's went down, I can't see him" I replied as I had to move,

" Rogue 1, you copy?" Jake called out again through the comm,

" Jake, Quaritch got her" I replied to him, tears blurring my vision, but I shake them out.

" Jake! Jace!" Neytiri's voice was clear, a beacon of hope,

" We read you!" I replied to her cry for help,

" Neytiri." Jake called to her, he is worried for her and so am I,

" Seze is dead" She told us, her Ikran must have been shut down,

" They are very close, there are many." Neytiri tells us, this is bad, Jake can't lose her, but I am praying to Eywa that we win, and that Tsu'Tey is alive.

" Do not attack. Do you read me Neytiri?" Jake told her as I shot at another enemy ship and almost got shot in the process, I moved in the nick of time,

" Do not attack, sister!" I cried to her, I pray to Eywa more and more,

" Fall back now, get out of there." Jake told her, he was being very stern with his mate,

" That's an order!" I told her, but I know that Neytiri can be the most stubborn Na'Vi out there,

" Neytiri!" Jake told her, if she dies, I will destroy everything that Hell's Gate stood against when it came to living in peace with the Na'vi, but I hear loud roars, I turned my head to see Ikran, multiple Ikran coming to aid the fight,

" Jace! Eywa has heard you." Neytiri cries out through the comm,

" Eywa has heard you!" She cries again, the goddess heard me, this is her planet and hers alone, we have to respect it.

" Jake, you have to destroy the main shoulder of Quaritch's ship" I told him as I analyzed what we were dealing with,

" Roger that" He replied as I see him go in with Toruk, I kept firing my gun, then I lose it as I had to avoid people shooting at me, but soon Samsons and Scorpions go down, but the most I see is Quartich's ship explode as it hits the ground,

" We won" I say as I cried out,

" Jace, Quartich survived, worse he is heading for our shelter" Jake's voice made me perk up, I pet Luna's neck,

" Great, the fucker won't die" I growled, I have Luna land close to the site,

" Go girl hide and survive" I told her, she flies off and I ran to the site, I see Quartich over Neytiri's Palulukan and she is under it somewhat.

" Give it up Quaritch." I growled as I was in view, Jake then was by my side,

" It's all over." Jake told him, I see Quartich flip a huge knife in his robotic suit's hand,

" Nothing's over while I'm breathing." He told us as I snarled, I bared my teeth at him,

" We kinda hoped you'd say that." I said before I dash at him, I jumped up at him and Jake went under Quartich,

" Die already" I snarled at this, he tried to get me, but I get his knife. I stabbed his glass, and bounded off, he pulls the knife out and throws it, hitting the glass of our site, but he pops the glass off and worse of all, he has a mask, damn it, I missed,

" Sully, Moon, how does it feel to betray your own race?" Quartich asked as I hissed at him and so did Jake,

" You think you're one of them?" He asked as I glared at him,

" Time to both to wake up." He snarled before going to the site, he hits through the glass.

" Back off" I snarled as I jumped him before he hits the top of my link,

" Fuck off" He growled, I can feel the gas going into my body, I blacked out, I was in my human body, I take a deep breath and get back into my Avatar body,

" Here kitty kitty" He snarled, I feel him grab my queue, I scream in pain, Jake is down, I heard a link bed open up, Quartich stares me in the eyes and has a knife at my throat,

" I hope your family burns in hell" He told me, I see something go into his chest, but I feel my Avatar body drop, then I wake up in my human body.

" Jace" A voice cried to me, I lift my Link Bed top off and tried to hold my breath, I get to one of the emergency masks and put it on, I get it working and let a breath out as oxygen worked, I moved out of the way when Neytiri grabs a mask for Jake,

" Let me" I say as I got it on his face, I get it working and he takes large intakes of breath,

" I gotta find Tsu'Tey" I told Jake before grabbing a gun and going out into the forest, I see my Avatar is fine and sitting up near the site,

" C'mon where is she, I'm going to murder her" I heard a familiar man's voice, Wainfleet, I run about one hundred fifty feet, thanks to my genetics, I get there in about forty five second,

" I don't think so" I growled as I see Tsu'Tey on the ground, he was wounded badly, but I jumped and snarled like an animal, I shoot at him and through the glass of his robotic suit, the glass popped off and he had a mask on,

" I'm not dying" I growled before shooting him in the head, he falls, I see Na'vi surrounding us, I set the gun down and rush to Tsu'Tey, he was hurt bad, I see Mo'At watching me,

" Tsu'Tey?" I asked as he looks at me, he lifts his hand up and caresses my head,

" Ma Jace" He said but coughs,

' Eywa please save him' I cried in Na'Vi, but as I cried this out, I see Atokirina coming down, they land on me.

' Eywa' Mo'At says as I see my scars glowing like the Atokirina themselves,

' Place your hands on your mate' A female voice told me in my mind, I see my hands glowing white, I slowly place my hands on his chest, waves of this energy flow into him, I feel tired, but I keep going, I watched as bullets come out of his body and the wounds stitching themselves together.

' Jace?' Mo'At asked as I take my hands off, my hair glowing bright and pure, Tsu'Tey's eyes open and he sits up,

" Ma Jace" He says as I smiled,

' Thank you Eywa' I prayed to her, I am so thankful for this, giving my lover a second chance,

" Let's go home" Tsu'Tey tells us, we have lost many, but Pandora will live on, the war will never be forgotten by anyone.

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