Memories Spoken

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I watched as Max was on the screen of the computer,

" Jace it's crazy here, full mobilization. They're rigging the shuttle as a bomber. They got these huge palettes of explosives for some shock and awe campaign." Max explains to me, this was bad, I felt myself shaking,

" Freakin daisy cutters." Trudy exclaims as I shake my head at this,

" Quaritch has taken over, he's roaming and there's no stopping him." Max tells us, I wanted that man's blood on my hands, it wouldn't make me feel better, but it will give me some peace.

" When?" I asked as I growled at this, I was trying to get my anger under control,

" 06:00 tomorrow." Max replied, I see someone coming up, but Max tells us he has to go,

" We're screwed. And I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom." Trudy said as I felt my anger blowing up, Grace is alive, but it was our plan that made everything worse, we're lost.

" We're going up against gunships with bows and arrows." Trudy said as I nodded, I want to punch something, maim something, destroy Quaritch with my bare hands,

" We have 15 clans out there. That's over 2000 warriors." I said as Jake nods, I feel lost in a sea of anger and rage,

" We know these mountains." Jake said as I nod, I was clutching my fists together, keeping my rage intact,

" They don't." I snarled before getting up, and trying to keep my rage inside and everything else above it.

" Their instruments won't work up here, missile tracking, won't work." Jake said as I felt something under my rage, but it was being drowned out by the bad emotions I was feeling, but I needed to drain them out before I do something I'll regret,

" They'll have to fire a line of sight, if they bring the fight to us... " I said as I smiled, I can focus my anger onto the fight at hand and unleash it upon those who will hurt the People,

" Then we have the home field advantage." Jake replies as I smiled, I see Trudy's face fall, what was on her mind, beside the smell of sorrow upon it.

" You know he's gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls." Trudy tells me, I nod, but I keep my emotions in check,

" I know." I told her in a monotone voice,

" If they get to it, it's over." Trudy tells me as I shake my head,

" That's their direct line to Eywa, their ancestors. It'll destroy them." Trudy tells me, like I don't know this, but I make it that everything was fine,

" Then I guess we better stop them." Jake says as I get up and go to the link bed, I put my sequence in and let my mind go blank after I closed the lid.

" mmm" I said as I opened my eyes to see I was in my Avatar body, I get up, Tsu'Tey is not beside me anymore, I just feel so much emotion flowing through my body and it hurt, but I had to put that all aside, I walked to the Tree Of Souls, I felt as if betrayed by so many, but one had chose me over all others,

" I'm probably just talking to a tree right now." I said as I take my braid into my hands,

" But if you're there... I need to give you a heads up." I told it, I connect my queue to the tendril,

" If my family is with you..." I said as I felt tears going down my eyes.

" Look into their memories. Better yet look into my own" I whispered as I feel my heart breaking,

" See the world we come from. There's no green there. They killed their mother. And they're gonna do the same here." I told it as I let my memories flow, all the heart ache, all the pain I ever endured before going through me,

" More sky people are gonna come. They're gonna come like rain that never ends. Unless we stop them." I said as I sighed, this was going to be tough, but I was willing to endure this war for the sake of Pandora.

" You chose Jake and I for something." I said as I heard someone coming towards me,

" We will stand and fight." I said as I sighed at this, I was going to stay true,

" You know we will. But we need a little help." I say as I smelt a heavenly scent,

" Our Great Mother does not take sides Jace." Tsu'Tey tells me as I disconnect my queue from the tree,

" She protects only the balance of life." My mate tells me as I smiled,

" It was worth a try." I told him as he walks to me then places his forehead on mine.

" Tsu'Tey, my life on Earth was the worst thing any Sky person could endure" I said as I held his hands and sat down with him on the ground near the roots of the tree, he looked slightly confused about this,

" Let me see" He says as I nodded, I take my queue and he takes his and we connect them, I let all the pain, all the memories involving the experiments, every single syringe injecting into my human body be seen, I watched as Tsu'Tey begins to leak tears,

" So much sorrow and pain" Tsu'Tey tells me as he looks into my eyes,

" Let me" He whispered as I nods, he kisses me slowly , I let my hands go up to his face, keeping him as close as he could to me, I felt at peace with him, he pulls away and caresses my face,

" I won't let these memories take over you" Tsu'Tey whispers as I smiled, he picks me up and carries me over to the roots of the tree and lays next to me, I then closed my eyes.

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