Join the Team!

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I've been thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that I need more than just one Mary Sue hunter, and that I'm going to need a team.

You guessed it, I'm going to be looking for two more users to join a new TMS team!

But it's going to be a bit harder than just asking.

There's going to be a bit of a selection, in a way. I'm planning to give anyone and everyone an equal chance. All you have to do is PM me, saying "I want to join the TMS team", and I'll shoot a few questions at you.

Once you've finished your little interview, I'll tag you in the results.

Here are the jobs you can apply for:

Sue Seeker

The Sue Seeker will track down and hunt out the internet's worst characters, then copy it down onto a chapter (I'll send you the login info), and screenshot any pictures that go with it.

Qualities needed: Patience, online often, determined.

Must not: Give up or get bored too easily, settle for less than perfect.

The Chapter Captain

The Chapter Captain will write the majority of the reaction to the actual Mary Sue, and do the most talking.

Qualities needed: Large vocabulary, online often, uses grammar and capitalization correctly, silly.

Must not: Be lazy or sloppy when writing, be too serious or boring.


Good luck! I'll stop taking interviews by April 16th.

Tag anybody who you think might be interested!

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