Cats dont need powers to understand feelings

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Choromatsu has taken it upon himself to become the households second stay at home 'housewife'.

Struggling and despreately trying to change his situation was getting tiring. The hope for seeing the outside world was becoming smaller and smaller. Everyone in their own way telling him to give up.

Just like they always did. Like they always have.

Getting a life, doing what he enjoys, having dreams. All of them just seemed to be frowned upon by his brothers before and after everything.

So, Choromatsu decided it was better to do something and act like the 'mother hen' (quoted from Todomatsu) that he was before, hoping it could help or change something. He'd just finished stacking the books again, and put away everything that his brothers didn't again, just to be left in his 'room' alone, again.

He couldn't tell if doing something that now seemed like routine was a good or bad thing. It was boring. Is this what it's like to be their mom? Almost anyway. Suddenly turning into an adult sounded a lot more boring and less achieving than Choromatsu thought. Wait, no! Being stuck in here really is messing with his head. He didn't want to be a Viring NEET forever without a family!


It's not like he has much choice now, does he?

Choromatsu shook his head and slaped his own cheeks. He shouldn't think that way. Despite how low his hope is, it's still there, and there was still a chance! Yeah, he just had to think a little more positively. Now he wasn't sure what to do. Their mom wasn't here and only one of his brothers were still here, he just wasn't sure which one. He'd been subconciously counting the times the door has opened for someone who's left along with "I'm going"s and "Im homes"s without realizing it but he didn't pay attention to the voice. Whoever it was, they sure had a-






Wait, MEOW?!

Choromatsu snapped his neck towards the source of the sound as fast as he could he felt like he'd actually snap his neck. When he turned he froze and had a blank yet anxious look. This was real right? He blinked. Then blinked again.


This was real. There was an actual cat in front of him. A real cat that meowed and moved and was alive, real. Choromatsu never thought he'd ever be so happy to see a cat. It's not like he hated them, but he felt indifferent for real cats. Nyaa-chan was obviously the except, she was a pretty idol, not an actual cat but she sure was beautiful. Oh, Nyaa-chan. Who knows what kind of new songs she's made, or what his buddies he'd go with to concerts were doing and still going- Wait he was getting side tracked! Damn his rising mind!

Choromatsu was carefully approaching the cat, as if it'll run, though he knew it wouldn't, it was Ichimatsu's ESP Kitty after all, the closest he's gotten to having a permanent housecat. "Hey now, what are you doing here- Or well, how did you get in here?" It's been a long time since he's seen an actual cat, Ichimatsu wasn't allowed to bring them inside anymore, which made him a little more than upset. Choromatsu didn't expect an answer, Ichimatsu did say the ESP power was gone so it's not like he'd talk to him any soon.

What Choromatsu got something else he didn't expect. ESP Kitty got closer to him and jumped his arms, making Choromatsu quickly try to catch him and hold him. He wasn't sure what to do with the cat once he was safely in his arms, he's never had the same interest in them as Nyaa-chan, so he didn't even know what to do with a real cat. Choromatsu just did the logical thing to do with pets, or the most simple and basic thing, and softly pet the top of ESP Kitty's head. His fur was so soft and nice, the green-clad man didn't think he'd ever feel a cat's fur ever again nor that he'd miss feeling it. Before he'd get mad if there was any hairballs or fur everywhere in the house or couch, but now there wasn't any and he surprisingly missed it.

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