11. quotes out of context

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read these to your friends to your friends who have never seen rick and morty.

"take my penis. take it all!"

"alright, 60 for the resonator and my grandson wants the sex robot."

"i'm gonna need you to take these seeds into the bathroom, and i'm gonna need you to stick 'em waaaaay up inside your butthole, morty."

"marc? jacobs? these are the names of the penis."

"well then get your shit together, get it all together, and put it in a backpack, all your shit, so it's together."

"the giant sky santa has exploded, blood and viscera are raining down all across the country. everything should be okay."

"great, now i have to take over a whole planet thanks to your stupid boobs."

"tell me, summer, if a human was born with stumpy legs, would they breed it with another deformed human and put their children on display like the dachshund?"

"ruben's seen some rough years, morty. you don't agree to get a theme park built inside you if your life is going great."

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