23. plot shop

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i don't write rick and morty fanfiction, but if you do and if you're stuck on a plot, i came up with a few ideas just for you! you don't have to ask for a plot, you can just take it. you can also change the title if you don't like the ones i made.

1) war of favoritism
rick came back just as jerry was trying to bond better with morty. jerry tries to outdo him, and when rick figures out what he's trying to do, they go into a full blown war to become morty's favorite.

2) flowers
"all-alright, jessica. you see this bouquet of flowers? i-i'll love you until... until the last flower dies."

"isn't there supposed to be a fake flower in here?"


3) get rick of him
in which jerry attempts to get rid of rick in order to replace him with "doofus" rick j-19ζ7.

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