Reasons <3

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{ If Hunter wasn't traumatized, i'd have sex with him. Ya }


* Kat's Pov *

I didn't sleep. I just sort of watched Hunter. He wasn't really an easy sleeper, I didn't want him to accidentally throw himself off the bed. So I just watched him for the night. It didn't bother me much. I knew he was upset and on the plus side, he was really cute. I had nothing against staring at a beautiful boy all night. He was gorgeous.

Chris had come in about 20 minutes after Hunter fell asleep. He found it a little strange that I was in bed with him, that Hunter was holding onto me like I was his life support, but he didn't say anything to me personally. He just came down, asked me if i was ok, if i wanted to go downstairs, which I refused to. And then he kissed Hunter's forehead, making him stirr a little and clutch onto my shirt, pulling me closer to him. I had to admit it gave me butterflies.

Now it was 10am, Hunter was still soundfully sleeping and I was lying next to him. I'd never slept in the same bed as a boy before, well other than my Dad. It's not like we were doing anything though. That would be weird. We were just sleeping. Well, Hunter was. I was staring at him like a scary stalker freak.


Hunter whimpered and turned over onto his side. He pushed me away from him and hid himself into the wall. He whimpered again and then a cry escaped his lips. I didn't know what to do. Wake him? Hold him? Do nothing? I groaned. I'd never been in this situation before. It was confusing.


Hunter was now full on screaming, thrashing around on the bed and crying out terrified whimpers. He pushed me away from him every chance he got until I finally managed to grab his arms and restrain him.

"Hunter! Hunter, wake up!" I shook him but he just thrashed around. "Chris! CHRIS!"

In a matter of minutes, Chris had ran through the bedroom door and sprinted over to the bed. He looked at Hunter for a minute and then gestured for me to move out the way which I quickly did. Chris then got down onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Hunter, ignoring his refusals and struggles.

"It's ok Hunter," he assured him. "Your Dad isn't here anymore. He can't hurt you. No one can hurt you,"


Hunter was alone in his room. He didn't want to see anyone, he didn't want to talk to anyone. He just hid in his room, whilst me, Mom and Chris sat downstairs in the kitchen. There was nothing but silence and I was biting my lip to hold back my questions. But with the looks Mom and Chris were giving each other, I could't hold back and suddenly blurted out with,

"What's wrong with him?"

"There's nothing wrong with him," Mom said quietly. "Hunter just has a lot of..issues. But you don't need to know them yet. Until-"

"Lisa I want you to be in my life," Chris announced. "I want you and Kat to be a part of my life. And if you want that as well, then we have to tell her,"

"She's just a kid. She can't handle this sort of-"

"Hunter has his reasons for his behaviour. Hunter was abused," Chris ignored Mom and looked me straight in the eye. "He was abused by his parents for 13 years. His Dad beat him, his Mom neglected him, his Dad raped him. Do you know what that means?" I nodded. "So you can understand why it's hard for Hunter to adapt to a normal lifestyle. He's been away from his parents for 6 months now and he's finding it difficult to settle down."

"He was crying for his Dad," I whispered. "Why was he doing that if his Dad hurt him?"

"Because he's confused. He wants his Dad because he wants things to go back to normal. He's too scared. He doesn't understand why he's here or why his Dad isn't with him anymore,"

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