the afternoon of tutoring

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the time was 3.43pm and hyungwon was sitting on the counter of the kitchen in the house where he lived with his parents.

wonho was supposed to come over at 3.45pm to tutor him in physics, but hyunwong was feeling wierdly anxious. it wasnt like he was intimidated by the older boy, but something in just thinking about him made hyunwong feel strange.

the doorbell rang and he almost fell down from the counter barely keeping his balance. on the way to the door he took a quick look onto the mirror and ran his fingers through his dark hair.

through the glass of the white wooden door he saw wonhos figure standing outside and hesitated for a moment before unlocking and opening the door.

he was met with a messy haired boy who looked like he had just ran for 10 miles. "hi...?"

wonho stepped inside and closed the door behind him. hyungwon took his jean jacket and hanged it onto the rack. "im sorry i completely forgot about this" he panted leaning forward placing his hands on his knees.

hyungwon chuckled and shook his head. "do you want some water?" "even more than i want to pass my grade this time"

they walked into the kitchen, hyungwon getting the water and handing it in a clear glass to wonho who took it and gulped it all down on one go.

"so do you have your book?" wonho asked after a while. he had no essentials with him for studying. mostly because he had literally woken up 15 minutes ago from his nap, and 7 minutes of that he had spent in running to hyungwons house from his own one.

hyungwon nodded and got his book from his room along with a calculator, a notebook and some pencils. he placed them onto the kitchen table and motioned wonho to sit down with him.

after studying for a while wonho felt a bit uneasy. he kept on explaining the excercise only to notice that the feeling was caused by hyungwon who had his eyes fixated on his face. "are you listening...?"

hyungwon nodded his head slightly not moving his gaze. "hyungwon?" another nod.

wonho snapped his fingers in front of the others face and it looked like someone had woken him up from a daydream. feeling slightly startled hyungwon then looked at anywhere but the others face.

he felt his cheeks getting warm and was pretty sure that his entire face was red now. "are you okay? do you need to take a break?" wonho questioned, now with a hint of worry in his voice.

"yeah sure im fine lets take a break" "was i explaining it too quickly? it sometimes happens when i get too excited about something" wonho couldnt believe that he had just admitted getting excited about physics.

hyungwon moved to sit on to the couch and wonho followed him, sitting onto the other end of it.

"wonho isnt y..."
"were you bl..."

"im sorry please go first"
"sorry you can go first"

both of them laughed sharing a knowing look. then wonho started again with his question. "when we were sitting there, were you blushing?"

hyungwon quickly shook his head trying to just brush the topic quickly off. "no i was just hot" he lied.

"aah, its not that warm though?" hyungwon gulped and wonho just laughed.

"what did you have to ask ?"

"wonho isnt your real name is it?"

"it isnt. but its a nickname that i enjoy using. i only tell my real name to people i really trust"

hyungwon started wondering if there was a particular reason to that but just let it go. maybe wonho would tell it to him one day.

after having their break and studying for another hour or so it was time for the older one to leave.

the whole afternoon had been a mess less and more. hyungwon had blushed a few too many times and it looked like wonho was actually enjoying the 'power' he had over the other. 

wonho was leaning on the doorframe ready to leave, hyungwon standing a few inches away from him.

suddenly without no warning he felt a plump pair of lips on his own, pressing down a small but a soft peck. it ended as quickly as it had started.

before he could fully process what had happened hyungwon had literally pushed him out of the house and locked the door behind him with a rushed "thankyoufortutoringmeillseeyouaround"

with light steps and a good feeling inside him wonho started walking home.

i promised u something would happen !!! this was a long chapter over 700 words :o
i hope u enjoyed !
- jen <3

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