Is it Coincidence or Destiny

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Navya's POV

Again it was my maths tuition. As usual I went to tuition without thinking anything. As I entered I saw some familiar faces n among them was that cute face I wanted to see. He looked at me n gave me a knowing smile. I got to know he will be in my batch for this year. Suddenly all the boys started irritating me n he was also there as if they just got a joker to entertain them. I was hurt that he was no different from the other boys that day I went to my home fast. This day was very hectic for me as I had three tuition n even school.

Deep's POV

I don't know if it was just a coincidence that we met again that to on my fixed date. I guess its destiny. She was all tired after her school. I got to know she has a tuition after this even. She really works hard enough to get marks. I saw her determination when she was doing maths. She was really tired n so I thought of making her smile but she got angry on me.

Her anger was also sweet as her nose looked too cute when it flared. She went home fast enough for me to talk with her alone. That day sir again told me some bad things about her. Every day sir tells me something bad about her but her face n eyes tell a different story altogether. She is very innocent n she has a lot of pain in that fake smile of hers.

I again wished to meet her before my eyes closed n I saw her gorgeous face. Its like my routine now that I see her face before sleep takes over me.

So what u think was it just Coincidence? Or was it Destiny?

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