Part 1

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"Put down your gun young man, Put it down, Just put it down." Cops yelling over me.

I looked at them, than look back at the dead body, and saw my hands covered in cold blood.

I Throw my gun away, as cops came running towards me.

They pulled my hands over my back and put me inside their car.

Just after that everything faded.

'I opened up my eyes, Seeing a man in police uniform sitting in front of me. I was chained down on the chair, still having handcuffs. It was really difficult for me to understand the situation happening.

"Mr. Michael ethan? Are you Mr. Michael ethan?" the cop asked.

"Yes, Yea I am Michael ethan" I said. My eyes were having difficulties opening up.

"So michael, Why did you murder the woman?" he asked.

"What?" I questioned, totally shocked.

"Michael don't act smart. Why did you kill that woman with your gun?" he asked again.

"What?? Which woman? WHAT gun? I don't know what you're talking about?" I replied.

"Michael, Don't make me kick your ass. Just confess it before I start kicking your butt" He said in anger.

Kill the woman...
Murder weapon....
Her blood....
My hand....

My mind started having glimpses of the flashbacks.

"No No No No.... I DIDN'T do that!" I shouted.

"What! What are you saying" He said.

"I DIDN'T DO THAT, HE DID" I said in an very low voice.

"Who is he? WHAT are you talking about michael, be clear" He said confused.

"He did it. Believe me officer, he did it!" I said.

"Don't you even try to frame me, you're caught in the act With the cold blooded murder of Sarah Palin" he said.

"You don't understand it officer. He made me do it. He used my body. I can never kill anyone" I said

"You know what YOU ARE, INSANE." he said and got up.

"Dont release him. Let him stay in the prison For few days. Let him accept what he has done" he said to another officer.

[Why can't they just understand, he made me do it]

I heard things from the inside.

To be continued...

The Demon InsideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora