Part 2

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Cops sentenced me to stay in jail till I accept the crime I didn't even commited.

"You have to call your family so that we can investigate further" The cop said.

"Yeah" I said and moved out from the cell to call my sister Rosa Parks.

Tring tring.
"Hello" She Answered.
"Rosa it's me Michael" I said hesitating.
"Why did you called now, aren't you happy after insulting george" she said in an sarcastic way.
"Look I know I said wrong to your husband, But Am sorry okay. Now I need you, please" I said begging her.
"What is it?" she said.
"I'm in prison, please help me out"
"WHAT?" she said all shocked.

I explained her the whole story and she agreed to visit me.

She didn't came to visit me the whole day.

At night.

It was 3am.
And I was having difficulty to fall asleep.
I was trying to sleep on bed.

I heard someone calling my name so low.

"Who is it???" I shouted.

Nothing was in their in my prison cell, Just me and Darkness.

I ignored the thought and started to sleep again.

someone again called my name.

I got up and sat down on my bed.

I folded my fists till my chin,
And elbows on my knees.
My brain suddenly started to think about...


And so much more unusual stuff.

"Stop it you motherfucker, Stop it" I yelled Loudly.

[Anonymous:- Michael, You just can't get rid of me, I am Inside you michael. We are partners in crime, Don't forget it michael]

"Stay away from me, God damn it, What are you upto now" I yelled.

[Anonymous:- First, Stop Yelling Michael, This will only let the people believe that you're a psychopath]

"You've made Me A Psychopath For God's sake" I yelled again.

[Anonymous:- God doesn't exist Michael, I exist]

"No god do exist you son of a bitch" I yelled

[Anonymous:- god can't let you out from this prison Michael, But I Can]

"You do..." He made me confused.

[Anonymous:- yes, But only if you will follow my instructions michael]

"No, You're tricking me, You just want me to commit another crime, isn't it. And stop talking to me through my mind" I Shouted.

[Anonymous:- Michael what happens inside, Stays Inside. And you really don't want me to come out aint you]

"Fine, What do I have to do" I yelled.

Suddenly I started feeling very unconscious
My body was shaking
I felt like something wrong is happening to me,
I started tapping hardly on the cell's Iron Rod with my fist to let myself out and find help.
Just when a guard came to check on me, he was panicking looking at me and saying me to stop doing it.
My fist was all covered in blood,
And just than my eyes went out of vision.

To be continued.

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