Part 7

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Sharpclaws pov

Murmurs of confusion rose up from the clan. "What will we do now?" "We're will we go?" "Has Wavestar got bees in his brain?" Were about as much as I could here. I have to agree though it does seem as Wavestar has bee in his brain. Wavestar raised his tail for silence. "I think we should leave." Russetwing spoke up. "Those cats are strong, they'll tear us to shreds." Silverfur narrowed his eyes. "And you would know wouldn't you." He hissed. Russetwing shrunk back into the crowd. "Look, I know we're not all in this, but we leave tomorrow at sunrise, if you want to stay, then see if another clan will take you in, If not we will be happy to have you back." Wavestar announced. He gazed around for second, and when nobody spoke, he dismissed the clan.

The next sunrise, everyone was awoken with a loud yowl. "Are we being attacked!" Miststripes asked, scrambling out of his nest. "Relax." Sunpelt murmured sleepily. "It's time to leave that's all." Cats began poring into the clearing. "Cats of Waveclan!" Wavestar yowled. "It is time we leave. This is not a sign of weakness though. We do not leave because we are scared or that we small, we leave to keep one another safe, we can no longer do that here." He finished."Waveclan is leaving!"

(I want to focus more on the clans! I spend too much time with leaders! I say when this chapter is basically the leader talking through it. Anyways if there is someone you want me to focus on I will, and I most likely going to put some ships in here. (Suitloon will happen for a fact, I ship
It way too much not to put it in here) so yeah.

Have an awesomely amazing day! :D

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