Chapter 1: Red (Y/N's Chapter)

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I'd be sitting in my room, it was quiet except from the down stairs where my family celebrates my 2 sisters birthdays. I'd sigh as it was also my birthday tomorrow but I doubt they'd care.  I'd hear a knock. It was Qrow. He was one of the only people who cared for me. He'd hand me a book. "Kid...just remember..I'm here for yah..happy early birthday." he'd say chuckling ruffling my hair. I'd smile as he'd walk out closing to door behind him. I'd read the book for the rest of the night it was titled, "The Rangers". I'd read it over and over. Memorizing the grueling training, the missions, and Soldiers themselves the rangers. I'd see there weapons were primary rifle based, they rarely used melee weapons, only a few known to use them. There armor, a special made armor  to fit the need of the wearer and as well as highly customization. There abilities that there suits gave them, super speed, strength, cloaking,  mini-EMP's they are packed to the teeth. I'd put the book down as yang came in to use me as her personal punching bag. And as she did, I felt myself break. As she'd drop me I'd get up. All I'd have is a backpack. I'd grab some clothes, my book on the Rangers and Survival, and a simple combat knife Qrow had given me. I'd write a note. I'd open the window, I'd sigh. I'd jump out as soon as I made it out I stared at the house. "Yeah Fuck you" is all I'd say giving the house the bird. As I'd walk away I wouldn't turn my head. As the ranger's say, when you leave something...never look back. I'd continue to walk. I'd set up camp far far away. -(back at the home)- Yang would enter to beat me again. "Come on Y/N I got you a sand-" She'd pause as she'd look around. "What? Y/N where are you?" she'd asked scared. She'd look around desperately. She'd see the open window and the note. she'd run out of the room with then Tai walking in. "Ugh...good lord...I can't believe it.." He'd say. Summer would walk in and gasp. "My baby boy..where is he Tai! Where is my baby!" she'd ask breaking into tears. "I don't know..all he left is this note.." Tai would say as he'd open the folded piece of paper. "Dear Family, I have had it...after 10 years of my did finally broke me..congrats..I would give you a metal but why the hell should I do that? I have left to make a better life for was better then rotting in that Hell I once called home...Little food...constant get the gist...I bet once you read this your going to realize what you've done and that your sorry...well sorry doesn't the ranger's say..Never Look Back... From, Y/n"   -(Y/N's POV again)-  I'd be sitting under a little hut I made. It was my home for's been over 2 weeks since I left them. I'd pause to hear something in the bushes. I'd take a moment to take a closer look when a BeoWolf came out of no where.  I'd jump back scared. I'd dodge it's attacks, it would slash me deep in the gut. I'd then fall to the ground on my knees. I'd look up as it would walk up to me. It would then pause as it would look over. As then a figure would shoot it in the head 3 times with his pistol. I'd only remember a blue Visor before I blacked out. I'd wake up in a hospital room. I'd see a doctor and a man in strange armor and another man with grey hair sipping coffee. "Ah..Glad to see you awake.." is all the doc would say. "Yes..Y/N happy I am professor Ozpin glade to meet you" He'd say. I'd pause shaking his hand. "A..where am I? how long was I out." I'd ask. "8 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes, and 40 seconds.." the man in armor would say standing up at a good 7ft probably. "Wait? How did you know it to be that exact?" I'd ask him. "One of the better things of being a Ranger.." He'd say. I'd pause with my eyes glimmering. "A...yeah.." he'd reply to my look. "Now..Y/N I came here with the ranger that saved you that we want you to join the rangers..." Ozpin would say. "Really!?!?" I'd ask excited. "Well someone has a lot more energy then they seem.." The ranger would say. He'd put his hand. "I'm R-2019, you can call me Striker...I'll be the one signing you up for the rangers.." He'd say. I'd shake his hand. "Next to the Rangers..we will be happy to see you at Beacon as well" Ozpin would say. -(a 2 years later)- I'd be sitting in base with my new friend who saved me from a couple of bullies a while back, his name was Richard Maine. "Guys!" We'd hear a voice yell. I'd look over seeing Evan a fox faunus I met, and we became great friends. "I want you guys to meet this guy. His name is David Church" He'd say. "Nice to meet you" is all me and Richard would say.    

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