Chapter 9: A day of training with a Ranger

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(A/N: This will mostly be in Blake's POV but for some it will be in Y/N's POV like how I'm going to start it off!) 

(Y/N's POV) I'd be sitting in the cafeteria with my team as well as RWBY and JNPR. I'd pause at a unpleasant sound. "Stop! That hurts!" A female voice would say. "What a freak!" A male voice would say. We'd hear the others talking about a bully named Cardin. " that the Cardin Kid over there?" I'd ask pointing at the man pulling on the Female Faunus's ears. "A yeah.." Pyrrha would say. I'd look at Maine and Evan. Maine would just crack his Knuckles, Evan would balance his trusty combat knife on his finger. "A..what are you 3 planning?" Weiss would ask. "Nothin Ice Queen" Evan would say. She'd get pissed by the comment. "A..David your there leader..are you going to stop them?" Pyrrha would ask Worried. David would look up from his scroll and take a sip of his coffee.  "Give'em hell boys" He'd say with team RWBY and JNPR in shock.  We'd walk over to Cardin and his goons. "Hey there buddy what are yah doing?" I'd ask him. He'd pause and look at me confused. "You reek of the type of person that think's he the center of the world hell I could smell it a mile away" I'd say chuckling. He'd get up. "you wanna get killed Kid?" He'd ask trying to act menacing. At that comment me and Evan would just start laughing. "This guy thinks he can kill us?!" Evan would say whipping a tear from his eye.  Evan would walk up and spin his knife around and thrust it into Cardin's leg. he'd let go of the girl. Maine would grab her and place her to the side. Cardin would pull the knife from his leg and attempt to throw it. Maine would grab it. He'd look at it. He'd growl. "Yes that does belong to me Maine" Evan would say. "Wait..the hell you can understand that growl" Cardin would ask. "Oh trust us...Maine...he's a monster...That's why he growls instead of talks.." Evan would say evilly with Maine Growling angered at the comment as he was a genital giant unless he was attacked or ordered to attack. "Well what are you idiots doing get'em" Cardin would say as his team mates would run at us. I'd simply just punch one of them and they fly into a wall. Evan would easily put on into a head lock and toss him as well. One of his goons attempted to punch Maine, but he'd grab his fist. A painful crunch would be heard. People would surround us as just a gasp as the crunch was heard. And Maine would just start to twist his arm back. He'd start to yell in pain. Maine would sigh and punch him into the ground. "Thank's main his yelling was kind of giving me a head ache" I'd say. "Well Cardin you have 3 of us to choose from who do you wanna fight?" I'd ask. "You got the Brute..the Sly Fox..or a Rose with very sharp Thorns.." I'd say. He'd look attempting to throw a punch at me but was stopped as Maine would put him in a body lock. He'd struggle. "so what do you think we should do to him?" I'd ask evan. "I mean personally I think punching bag sounds fun" I'd add. "Well how about this.." he'd say grabbing one of Cardins ears. "Do you think this thing is real? It looks fake to me" Evan would say. He'd start to pull. "Heh..What a fucking Freak.." Is all Evan would say. "Hey Evan you know there is a way to tell if there real" I'd say chuckling. "Oh...oh..I see" He'd say pulling out his Combat knife. "If they bleed..we can tell if there real..if they don't then I guess there fake" He'd say chuckling as cardin would look in fear. We'd all be stopped by Miss Goodwitches glare and Ozpin standing. "Fun's over..." David would say from a far. Maine would drop Cardin. We'd be signaled over. I'd sigh but I'd grab Cardin's collar. "You mess with anyone else..I will beat you..I will Tie you to a tree and use you as a punching bag...that was a Ranger's Drill Sarg's way of breaking his soldiers.." I'd say dropping him and walking off. David would be signaled over as well. "Follow me." Is all Ozpin would say as we did. After that we'd be in his office. "Was it nessascary to beat the living day lights out of Team CRDL? And David they are your soldiers why didn't you stop them?!" Goodwitch would scold. "Huh? I didn't because Cardin and his team needed a little discipline" is all David would say getting a harsh stare from GW.  "Well not the best thing to due since you 4 are going to run a combat class." Ozpin would say. We'd all pause. "What?" I'd ask. "you 4 will be teaching a special 2 month class on how to beat the enemy primary of strategy." Ozpin would say before me, evan, and Maine could have a say. "Gladdly..we will take the offer happily" He'd say. We'd all stare. "Good your class starts tomorrow" He'd say. (Blake's POV) I'd be sitting in my bed until ruby would burst into the room excited out of her mind. "GUYYSS!!!" she'd say hyped. "What Ruby!?" Yang would ask. "I signed us up for a special 2 month combat class!?" Ruby would say. "Why?" Weiss would ask annoyed. "BECAUSETEAMSADEISTEACHINGITANDIT'SGOINGTOBEAWESOMETHEYAREGOINGTOTEACHUSTHEWAYOFTHERANGER!!!!"She'd say in a rush. "A...ruby your going to need to slow down a bit.." I'd reply. "Because...Team Sade is teaching a combat class.." She'd say. I'd think of Y/N as soon ash she said Sade.  (the Next day) We'd all be sitting in a class room. "Well were are our teachers" Cardin would say smugly. "First always expect the unexpected..that means cloaks.." A voice would say. We'd look down at a suit of armor that started to uncloak. The Armor would get up. He'd pull off his helmet revealing David. "Now..if my team could stop hiding.." David would say. We'd see words on the board appear out of nowhere. Lesson 1: hand to Hand combat. Maine would uncloak as he'd look over. Evan would say spinning in a office chair. I'd feel someone's arm wrap around me. I'd turn to see Y/n. I could tell he winked under his helmet as he'd jump and land. "Well as Maine put it..are first lesson is Hand to Hand.." David would say. "Well I wanna fight you!" Is all cardin would say. Everyone would look back. "Well...who do you wanna fight there's 4 of us which one" David would ask. "I want the guy in the (F/C) armor" he'd say cocky. I'd pause and look at my team. "Well get your gear." Y/N say. Cardin would walk out we'd see Y/N take off his armor. I'd blush a bit as he did. "A why are you taking your armor off?!" Weiss would say. He'd pause and look at her. "oh so I don't accidentally punch his skull in" He'd say smiling. Cardin would walk in and he'd chuckle. "Your going to fight me in a T-shirt and Sweats?" He'd ask laughing. He'd shrug. "Well come on are you going to attack or not" He'd ask. Cardin would charge and throw his mace at him. Y/N would just grab it. He'd rip it from Cardin's hand. He'd bend it with his pure strength. He'd toss it to side. Everyone would gasp. "Well you could have known that you could have done..better anyways find a partner we start hand to hand now" He'd say. Everyone would have a partner but me. I'd sigh a bit when Y/N would offer a hand. "You up for it?" He'd ask. I'd smile. "Yeah." I'd reply. "Maine take it away!" Evan would say. Maine would start giving some sort of speech but it was all growls and grunts to us. Evan would be nodding and he'd be 'inspired'. Everyone would look blankly. "What?" Ruby would ask. Maine would facepalm as he'd hold out his hand as his AI would appear. "Well what he was trying to say the simple thing is, is that we want someone to chose the attacker and will practice doing simple punches..and once we see you master those..then we will move on..BEGIN" His Ai would say. -(Time skip)- "Now..we are at the point of sparing..." Maine's AI would say. Everyone would start to walk to grab there gear. "WOW WOW!" Evan would say we'd all look at him. "Where do you think your going? No such thing as gear in the Rangers when it comes to sparing" He'd add. Everyone would pause. "Alright..Now..who wants to battle who first?" Evan would ask. Weiss would raise her hand. "alright who wants to fight Ice Queen?" He'd ask. "HEY!" She'd yell from the background.The room was quiet. "Alright then...I guess I'll do it" Evan would say smugly shrugging. "Come on hop into the ring" He'd say chuckling. I'd watch as Weiss would enter David would walk up to the center. "I want to see a clean fight.." He'd say. Weiss and Him would both nod.Weiss would move in to punch him and as soon as she did she landed a solid blow to his chest. She'd grab her hand in pain. "So? Did I win?" Evan would ask.  David would sigh. "Alright next!" David would say. I'd watch people fight and fight. "And last but not least let's see Blake against.." Evan would say looking at Y/N. He'd pause and look at Evan and then back at me. He'd sigh. "AND Y/N" Evan would say punching him in the shoulder. We'd both enter the ring. He'd come at me, but I'd make a clone of myself to dodge the attack but as soon as that clone activated David would start to speak. "Rule 1: Expect the unexpected" he'd say as Y/N would grab me by the leg. "Rule 2: Catch the enemy off guard" He'd say as Y/N would spin me. "Rule 3: Overpower and contain the enemy" He'd say as Y/N would pin me. "And that is the 3 rules of hand to hand in the Ranger core Class dismissed" David would say. Y/N would offer me a hand. I'd grab it. "You think you could have gone a bit easier on me?" I'd ask him chuckling. "Trust me.If I was holding back anymore then I already was..I would be poking you" He'd say. I'd pause as he'd walk off. I'd watch him spare with Maine. Maine would have him in a body lock, and he'd toss him off. He'd sigh. "Good Fight.." Is all he'd say walking away. I'd watch him and follow him. He'd sit under a tree and he'd open a journal. I'd watch him write in it. He'd just set it down and walk away as he'd talk to David. I'd open the note book. 'I know your following me ;)' I'd pause as he'd stand in front of me. I'd go red. He'd kneel. "Hello there babe" He'd say winking. I'd get even redder. he'd pick me up. "I'll take you back to your dorm." Is all he'd say. He'd carry me until he'd pause. I'd look at him as he'd look at some blonde. "So..Tai why are you here?" He'd ask setting me down. "I came here to say sorry..and that I hope we can make amends.." He'd say. Y/N would just shake his head. "So you didn't I need to break every bone in your body just to make my point?" Y/N would say coldly. I'd pause. The man would pause and sigh. He'd turn and walk away. "Who was that?" I'd ask. "The Devil.." he'd say. I'd pause. He'd walk me to my room. He'd leave me there. "Where are you going?" I'd ask him. "Just to do a little bit of 'Therapy'" he'd say. I'd watch him go into his room come back out his SMG and in a tank top and Sweats. I'd follow him to the sim room. He'd enter he'd sling the rifle. He'd place his earbuds into his ears.  He'd finish with in the hour. He'd then just sit down. I'd pause. He'd look over at me. "Come on I knew you where there the whole time whats up?" He'd ask. "This is what you call 'Therapy'?" I'd ask him. "Well I mean you have anything else in mind?" He'd ask. "Well how about cuddles?" I'd ask him as I'd hug him. He'd hug back. "I mean sure..not as satisfying as getting a good couple of punches in..but it still works." He'd say. I'd smile as I squeezed him. He'd sigh. "Alright..getting a bit tight.." he'd say. "Not letting go until you feel better" I'd reply. He'd sigh and get up and walk dragging me with him. He'd open the door to his dorm. "Hey guys" is all he'd say. Evan would pause, he was doing what he called a 4th wall break of sorts. (Evan: I mean Hey who said I can't be like deadpool... Kazumi: ME! DragonBlast90: Ha..Rekt.. Kazumi: GET OUT OF MY STORY! DragonBlast90: oof :c) "A..there's a girl clinging to your torso" David would say. "Yeah..I kind of can't get her off." He'd say. "Ah.." Evan would say whispering in his ear. "yeah..your right I have been training a lot..I think a shower sounds nice" Is all he'd say. I'd go red. I'd let go. "Well look's like I got to go back to my dorm!" I'd say trying to make a get away. Y/N would grab me by the chin and give me a little kiss. "There..for the walk back" Is all he'd say smiling. I'd walk back to my dorm smiling. (to be continued!) 

A/N: Well this was one of the longest thing's I've wrote..I deserve a cookie and orange juice...welp my brain no work no more after a lot of writing so I'm going to -Passes out from be tired-

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