Chapter 5: Training and Augmentations

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(Y/N's POV, and 4 years after Y/N, Evan, David, And Maine joined they are all 16) I'd be sitting with  Evan and David. I'd be cleaning out my SMG, the MPS-20 (Note almost all of my weapons are made up :/). Evan was sharpening his knife, while David was going through some notes. All this would be put to a halt when we'd hear something. 9 gunshots. We'd all pause as we'd put on are helmets (note also forgot to mention they are in Simulation armor, since in context of my story it's like Halo people without augmentations can't wear the normal suits). We'd all run out to see someone on top of Maine, the gunman was on are team holding a pistol, and Maine on the ground bleeding from the neck and chest. Evan would tackle the guy and start punching him over and over and David would grab his Pistol. "Shit! he was using live rounds!" David would say. I'd run up to Maine. "Come on Maine, You ain't going to Valhalla without us! Hell you didn't even die in battle! come on I'm getting you out of here!" I'd yell as I'd pick up Maine and throw him onto my back. I'd run as I'd see drill Sargent's and MP's rushing in to arrest the man.  I'd reach the Med bay as the doctors grabbed him and placed him onto a bed. "What the hell happen to R-0209 'Maine'" he'd ask. "Shot in the throat and chest, is what I can assume" I'd say. He'd nod. "Get him some pain killers and what not were saving this kid's life" He'd yell as Maine was rushed away. I'd sigh, as I'd walk back I'd see Evan and David run up to me. "Hey Y/N did he make it?" Evan would ask. I'd shrug "No clue".   -(2 weeks later)-   We'd all be sitting in a room. I'd want to break the silence but I knew I shouldn't. Suddenly the sound of a door opening did break the silence. We'd stare at him. "So was your 2 week break?" Evan would ask. He'd walk up to us. "Why aren't yah talking big guy?" David would ask. All the sudden an AI unit would appear. "Hello I am Enigma. R-0209's personal AI, given to him before Augmentations due to the fact he lost his voice" Enigma would say. We'd look at each other and back at Maine. Maine would just let out a growl. After that we'd be sitting in are barracks. I'd sigh. "So bored...I'm going to the range anyone down?" I'd ask. Evan would turn. "Sure why not" he'd say. We'd walk to the range. we'd enter. " what are you going to run?" I'd ask Evan. "I'm thinking the RX-092 Bolt action" Evan would say grabbing a large black long rifle, with a red optic. We'd enter the range, I'd pull out my MPS-20. We'd begin to fire a couple times, I'd be firing in controlled burst and Evan would take time at making his 'Art' as he called it. After a while we got bored and got ready for everything that was going to hit us.  We'd all be called to attention. "Alright fare this is going to be the most dangerous part of your training..your Augmentations. Some of you aren't going to make it back..So..May god have mercy on your souls.." Are Drill Sarg would say as we'd line up for Augmentations. I'd lay down on a table and I'd see doctors surround me. Then I'd black out. -(a day later)- I'd wake up. I'd look at my body which was riddled in scars. I'd look around to see Evan, David, and Maine all starting to wake up. We'd get up. As soon as Us 4 walk out. We'd see Ozpin. "Congrat's boys you 4 are the only ones that successfully made it through the augmentations without dying or any other problems with your bodys.." He'd say. "let me show you to your armor." He'd say as we'd fallow him. We'd stop at the sight of 4 suits of armor. "You 4 are officially known as Team SADE (shade)" Ozpin would say. "And your team leader is David Church" He'd add. We'd clap for David. "now..your armor..David come here" He'd say. "now this set of Mrk III "Ranger" armor is your, colored Blue with white outlines" He'd say. David would nod as Ozpin would guide how to put it on, the back was completely opened. He'd set down and everything would lock into place. He'd grab his helmet and put it on, and the visor would turn on, it was a White color, he'd sling his M-2039 Assault rifle on his back. "Now Maine your get this MK III "Brute" Armor..." He'd say as Maine would enter. He'd place the helmet on (It basically looks like the EVA helmet from halo). "it was colored White and Steel" Ozpin would say. "Now will receive this set of Mrk III "Jackel" Armor" Ozpin would say. He'd place the helmet on, it seemed to resemble a wolf's head. It would turn on in a red color. "Your's was painted Night Black and Red outlines." he'd say. "and Y/N Rose, you will get Mrk III "Knight" armor..the first of it's kind" He'd say with a smile as I'd put it on. It was F/C as it's primary and other F/C for it's outlines. I'd place the helmet on. I'd look around, everything was almost HD. "now..To test that your Augmentations can will be sent on a simple mission..defend Ghira Belladonna and his daughter Blake Belladonna in the city of vale. it's as simple as that" he'd say. "Alright.. Team SADE move to the BullHead" He'd say. We'd all start to move. We'd sit down. "Alright these two are our main prioritizes Ghira Belladonna" he'd say as a holographic picture would appear in the center of us. "And his daughter Blake" David would add. Me, Maine, and Evan weren't wearing are helmets and the 3 caught me staring at Blake's picture. "Y/N! Snap out of it!" David would say. "S-sorry S-sir" I'd say shuttering. "Heh..someone's in love" Evan would say Taunting making a heart with his hands. "SHUT IT!" I'd say. The 3 would laugh, well Maine was laughing I guess. "Anyways cut it..we'll make fun of Y/N later...and We will be dividing. Me and Maine will be in an Attack Jeep while you two take an Armored Jeep with the Belladonna's" David would say. "alright..get ready the LIGHT'S GREEN LET'S GO!" David would yell. We'd run out to see the 2 waiting. "Hello are you the Ranger's Ozpin told me so much about?" Ghira would say. "Yes sir that's affirmative"  David would say. "Please follow my companions at the Armor jeep and we'll be right behind you" David would add. -(to be continued)- 

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