The Confirmation

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The door knob rotates, a mid aged man enters the cabin. Its Dr. Philips. He smiled at John and extended a firm handshake. John tries to hide his anxiety and smiles back at the doctor.

"Have a seat Mr. John" said Dr. Philips.
"Doctor, Is everything okay with me?" John abruptly asked.

Dr. Philips went through the reports and said "The blood count is perfect. Haemoglobin count is normal. There is nothing unusual in the reports. You are perfectly fine Mr. John. You can participate in the tournament without any doubt".

This reply didn't satisfy John. Not because he wanted it to be abnormal, but the voice inside his head was certain about his condition.

"Do you think I should consult a psychiatrist, My mind says I would not be able to participate". John enquired curiously.

"May be its just the pressure of competition. Your blood results are great. You may take this report to any part of the world, it wouldn't change the result".  Philips replied with a smile.

John realised that he is infront of the best haemotologist of the best hospital in the country.

Doctor continued "If you still are not convinced, let's take a look at blood cells from its origin".

"And where is that from?" asked John.

"In the bonemarrow, inside the bone. We shall conduct a bonemarrow aspiration".

Philips reply muted John. He knew that process would be very painful. Still he agreed to go ahead with the test in order to satisfy his consciousness.

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