A New Year

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Doctors had called Alfred to his cabin. It was December 31st. John looked at the empty jar in his room. It was dark. He had purposely switched off lights. He didn't wanted to see or hear anything. He was very upset. He walked to nearby window and stared at the sky.

The whole world is celebrating New Year. And John remembered his last year's New York blast. Surrounded by friends and fans. He had a great year. The darkness around him made him think how all of those things changed.

He hears sound of wheels outside his room. Even a small sound started annoying him. He opened the door quickly and was frozen to see a body covered with white cloth. The hospital attendees were shifting a dead cancer patient. John began to worry. He could be the next one, the dead body seemed to tell him.

He rushed back and his leg got in between the curtain that halves the room. A hand pulled Johns shoulder and John got scared. It was another patient in the room.

He said "Pray for me". He was in dying stage.

John replied angrily, "Shut up. I don't pray. I never prayed, not even for me".

John pulled the cutain and came back to his bed. The other man continued screaming "pray for me". John got angry again and moved curtain to shut him up. But John saw that man taking his last breath. The sobs of his wife and two daughters upset John's heart. He was froze again.

Two death experience in an hour and that too on New Years eve. He was shattered. He knew death was after him. He couldn't sleep. The walls whispered death to him. It was the first time he thought of death. Who think of such realities in youth? Who acknowledge death in heights? His life was falling apart and he stand helpless. He tasted sour truth of his life. 

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