48 hours

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Dr. Philips enters the room along with Dr. Anderson. They did some regular check up and went through some papers.

Dr. Philips said, "John, We have to stop your treatment for next 48 hours. Your body is not responding to any of the medicines that you've been taking. Lets pray to God".

He moved quickly to the exit without even turning back. John was not satisfied with doctor's comment. "Do you mean I cant be cured?" He pressed Dr. Anderson's hand and asked for an explanation.

Dr. Anderson said "Philips have to meet other patients. Everything is told to your friend Mr. Alfred. You need to take rest. Have food and sleep well. If you have any specific wish, you may tell us. And we have asked your friend to make arrangements for family visit. I am sorry, John".

John went behind Dr. Anderson and found Alfred leaning to a wall. His eyes were pouring. And John now knew Dr. Anderson's words were his death sentence. He stood still and Alfred came running towards John and hugged him.

John felt the pain of death, time seemed to run very fast. There were people who came to visit him. Once they used to stand respectful infront of him. Now all John could see is sympathy. It was killing him. No morphine did good. Alfred stood near his bed, crying. John couldn't even tell a word to him.

Doctors warned Alfred to keep John happy and motivated. He was told not to cry infront of him. But poor Alfred couldn't help it. John was lying scared. He didn't eat or sleep. His blood count was decreasing as hours passed. His condition was deteriorating.

"Alfy, I want to stay alone" said John.

Alfred moved out without saying anything. He also didn't want John to see him cry. He runned his hands through pocket for handkerchief. Instead, he found a rosary that his wife had put inside the pocket. He began to pray.

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