Chapter 2: A Familiar Face

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    It was as if my whole body had been frozen in shock at the sight before me. The whole mess hall was completely void of people, except for one person: my mother.

    Her clothes were tattered, skin was sweaty, hair tangled and dirty... She looked like she had just gone through hell. "Bells." My nickname escaped her lips.

    No words had to be spoken though. I didn't want to waste another second just standing there, so I ran straight to her. We both greeted each other with a warm embrace. She immediately began to sob. As I held her, I noticed how frail and shaky she was.

     "I thought you were dead.. Or maybe even a biter by now. You look so beautiful and healthy-"
    "Thank you so much, Mom. I thought you were gone too.. But you really need to get some food and water in you." I said in a concerned tone.

    With one arm around her, I turned to Negan. He was looking at me with a small smile. "I'll get one of the workers to bring her somethin'. You want me to leave you two alone?" He asked.

    I smiled back. "Yes.. Thank you. But before you go-" I trailed off and sped over to him to give him a kiss of appreciation. "I love you. I'll see you in a bit." I spoke softly, cupping each side of his stubbly face with my hands.

    "I love you too, doll." He replied before walking off to take care of business.

    Normally, he didn't show too much affection when we were around other people. I was also surprised to see how hospitable he was being towards my mom. Maybe he felt different because she's my mother.

    My mother and I sat at a table as a worker served her food. She dug in without hesitation. "Mom... I really thought you were dead. Erik told me that he saw you get shot. So we just escaped by ourselves."

    "Well, sweetie he's a liar. Where is he anyways?" She asked with a mouth full. I paused and looked down awkwardly.
    "He uh.. He didn't make it."

  Mom stopped chewing and her eyes widened. "I-I'm so sorry, Bells."  She said. I assured her that it was okay. Of course I had to explain all the things he did to me. I despise having to even tell those stories.

    After a while, there was a small moment of complete silence between us. I was dying to ask billions of questions but I barely even knew where to start. "Where have you been all this time, Mom?"

   Before answering the question, she looked around to see if anyone had come into the mess hall. The coast was still clear. "Arabella, that's the part I've really been needing to tell you. I can break you out of this place!" She spoke ecstatically.

    "Break me out?... Mom what are you talking about?"

    "I came from this very welcoming place called the Alexandria Safe Zone. I told them all about you. Supposedly you lived with them at some point and things didn't go too good. But they're willing to take you back in and give you the best treatment, as long as you spill everything you know about Negan and his plans he has against them."

    I stared at my mom like she was insane. "But you looked like you had just been living in the woods for months!" I said to her.

    "I know, sweetie. It was part of the plan to dress me up like this. How else was I supposed to be taken into this place? But that's besides the point! We're busting out of this place tomorrow morning."

    Absolutely not. The thought of my own mom being their side fueled this anger inside of me. "That's not gonna happen." I announced.

    She almost looked hurt when she heard my words. "Bells.. You're on the wrong side. Negan is a horrible man. He's done awful things. When I saw you kiss him and touch on him like that, I felt sick to my stomach."

    "You have no idea what you're talking about. He took me in and provided me food, shelter, and everything I needed. Negan saved me from Erik before he could do anymore harm to me. I don't care what you say. I love that "horrible" man!" I practically shouted at her.

    She stood up out of her chair and pushed it in. Her eyes never leaving mine, staring at me with the most condescending look she could possibly give. "Arabella. I'm your mother. You must do what I say. We're going to break out of here tomorrow." She said. Her tone was flat but stern.

    Suddenly, the doors to the mess hall swung open. Simon marched in there with his lively energy. "Hello, ladies. Negan ordered me to show you to your room." He spoke to my mom.

    I began to follow them out but Simon stopped me. "I think it would be better if it were us two.... You know, so I can show her how this place works." He said, a large smile plastered on his face as he did so. I couldn't stand how passive-aggressive he always was.

    Once they walked off, I went outside to walk around and clear my head.

    Clearly I wouldn't be able to tell Negan about any of this. I figured he'd blow a fuse if he found out she's on Alexandria's side. She would be kicked out in no time and I'd never see her again. Or even worse, it could get her killed.

    After all, he did kill Erik who was almost like family to me. Which of course he had all the right reasons to. But since my mom is basically a spy, wouldn't that be enough justification for him to kill her too?

    I shook my head and tried to shrug it off. Surely Negan would never betray me like that.

    All I knew was, I absolutely had to find a way to change Mother's mind. For months, things had been going so well for me. Not only me though. The whole sanctuary was thriving. We didn't need something to happen that would disturb the peace. I hated the fact that it was my own mom who would be doing just that.

    I sighed and walked back inside. Obviously, trying to clear my head didn't make me feel any better. If anything it made me feel worse. I wanted to just run to Negan but I knew he was busy, so I had no choice but to find my mom and try to talk to her again.

   As I walked through the halls, I heard two familiar women's voices. "I can't be the only one who actually misses getting treated like a queen by him." One of them said. My curiosity had been peaked. I leaned against the cement wall and continued to listen to the women speaking around the corner.

    "Look... Negan is happy with her. If you can't except that than I don't know what to say."
    "Oh come on! You can't tell me that you don't miss a good fucking from him every now and then."

    Just listening to this conversation made me angrier than words could say. I decided to risk it all and peak my head around the corner. Of course, it was no other than Negan's previous wives, Amber and Sherry.

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