Chapter 3: Big Bad Negan

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    I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Amber was practically whining because she missed Negan so much.

    "Amber, I don't know what to tell you. They make each other so happy, and if you can't realize that then there's not much I can do for you." Sherry replied. It made me sick to even imagine him with another girl. At least Sherry was sticking up for me, but clearly Amber wasn't getting the memo.

    "You don't know what goes on behind closed doors, Sher. I bet if I offered, he'd take me back to his room for at least one more night." Amber spoke.

    Every single ounce of me was boiling with anger at this point. It took everything for me not to go up and pull all the blonde hairs out of her brainless head.

     All of the sudden, they started to walk in the same direction where I was in. I had to think fast, other wise it'd be obvious that I was eavesdropping. My best bet was to just act natural and make it seem like I was casually walking down the hall.

    They both seemed completely surprised to see me. Although, Amber didn't seem too happy. There was an unspoken stare down as we passed each other. I knew I'd definitely have to keep an eye out for her. "Bitch." I whispered once I was far enough from them.

    I decided to resume the search for my mother. Unfortunately, I absolutely couldn't find her. Simon must've still been giving her the grand tour of this place. So I figured all I could do was meet her in the morning like she said. Maybe if I begged her enough, she'd change her mind.

Later that night...

    I laid in bed all alone, staring at the ceiling. All the worries from today absolutely wouldn't leave my mind. Sure, I was happy to have Mother back, but the circumstances were awful.

    If only this rivalry between Negan and Rick would just end. I thought.

    Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and in came Negan. Just seeing him made me feel better already. I sprang up and made my way over to him. He smiled as I went in for a hug. "Today was stressful as hell." Negan sighed.

    "Mmm I know how you feel, Negan." I then stood on my tippy toes and gave him a sweet kiss for reassurance. "Fuck... You're the only sense of relief I can get around this god damn place." His voice was husky and tired. I could even see the exhaustion in his eyes.

    "How about you sit down on the bed and let me rub your shoulders and you can tell me every little thing that's bothering you? You can talk all the shit you want, it's safe with me." I said in a soft voice.

    He didn't even need to answer. Negan scooped me up and placed me on the bed. Leaving only his boxers and signature white tee on, he sat on the bed. I sat down on my knees with my back against the headboard and started massaging him gently. "So why are you so stressed?" I asked.

    "Well for starters, Rick the prick and that little ass-kissing gang of his keep tryin' to start shit. I'm telling you, those fuckers won't comply with my rules no matter what. We already had to go down there once and try to take control again but next thing ya know there was a fuckin' tiger and the rest is history."

    "A tiger?" I asked. Those Alexandrians were some bizarre people so it didn't really surprise me.

    "Hell yeah. A tiger... Look, Arabella. I need to tell you somethin'."
    "What is it?" The lack of a usual pet name he had for me was a pretty good indication that it was something serious.
    "I've yet to tell the whole sanctuary this because I know they'll go bat-shit crazy. But.. we're goin' to war with Rick."

    I stopped massaging his shoulders once I heard his words. Now it all added up. My mom wanted to leave with me as soon as possible because this supposed war could break out at any given moment.

    "Wow um... I-I don't really know what to say, Negan." I moved to where I was sat facing Negan with my legs criss-crossed. "Are you sure this is the right decision?"

    Before answering, he stared at me quietly for a few moments and smiled. "Come here, doll." Negan grabbed my hands and gently pulled me to sit on his lap. "I didn't want things to come to this but those pricks just won't fuckin' learn. I've got this though. They'll give in before you know it."

   Negan's tone was soft, yet reassuring. I just felt so content in that very moment that I couldn't help but lean in for a kiss. His head tilted to the side and his lips obligingly latched onto mine. The feeling of his beard lightly tickling my face sent shivers down my spine. It was as if my fingers had minds of their own and they ran themselves through his black, gelled hair.

    The way Negan's hands roamed my body almost made me feel as if he was handling something delicate. His touch was soft.

    That's what always got me about Negan. Sure, he's this merciless leader who smashes people's heads in with a bat. Yes, he is rough and just down right cruel when it comes to other people. And obviously, he's notorious for his sudden angry outbursts. Despite all those things though, Negan still has this soft side. I'm so thankful that I'm the one who gets to see it and feel it.

    The night ended with him collapsing down besides me, the both of us out of breath, and completely naked. He pulled me close against him with my ear up on his chest.

    I let out a small giggle. "What's so funny?" He chuckled.

     "We've been together for months and I still can't believe that Big Bad Negan can have such a soft side."

     "Sshh... That needs to be kept between us." He purred in my ear. I could feel his smile against my skin. It wasn't too long before I fell asleep right in his arms.

The next morning...

    Maybe it was the anticipation, but I woke up early even before the sun came up. Negan was still sleeping soundly. Never in my life had I been so grateful that he's a heavy sleeper. Besides, even if he did wake up, he'd probably just assume that I went to watch the sunrise at the watch tower.

    Slowly, I peeled his arms off of me and got up. I got dressed and slid out into the halls as quietly as possible. I kept a close watch to see if I would catch my mom anywhere.

    It seemed as if the whole sanctuary was still sleeping, surely until two hands reached out from a door and pulled me into a room.

    It was just the stranger, the darkness, and I.

A/N: I know you guys were expecting smut as previously promised, but no worries. I have big plans. ;) I hope you all have enjoyed this so far!

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