Chapter 5: Fool

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It had been 3 days since that night. Negan went out on a supply run without saying a word to me. I was left behind and worried sick; not only for him, but for us. He'd never stormed out during an argument like that before.

Supposedly he told Simon all about it and from then on, word spread all around the sanctuary. People thought Negan and I weren't together anymore. Even his previous dumb ass wives wanted to hop on this opportunity.

Lots of people would pass me in the halls with a sympathetic look. Others would ask me questions like "How are you feeling?" and "Does this mean Negan is going to be even meaner?"

I really didn't have the answers they wanted, because even I had no clue what was going on. It really grew tiresome.

Luckily, Dwight had let me visit my mom in the cells. Ever since Negan discovered that Dwight was the one who let me escape to Alexandria, he demoted him to cell duty only. That was with lots of begging from me. Negan originally wanted to iron the other half of Dwight's face but I just wouldn't have it.

It was late in the afternoon on the third day that I had decided to visit my mom. "Thanks, Dwight." I told him, as he opened her cell.

"No problem, Bella." He always called me that for short. Before entering my mom's cell to talk to her, I stopped Dwight. "Wait... Do you have any idea when Negan is getting back?.. Or has he told you anything over the walkie?" I asked him.

"He'll be back with the rest of the men tomorrow. But he never mentioned anything about you. Sorry, Bella, I really wish I could help."

I could tell by the look on his face that was being sincere about it. So I sighed and went into the cell. "Hey mom." I said.

She didn't say a word, a scowl was all she had to offer me. I could feel tension rising the room, enough for me to bolt out of there. After a long moment of silence she took a deep breath and spoke. "Why are you still so concerned about him?... He threw your own mother in the cells!"

"He put you in here instead of killing you. Negan spared your life, Mom. Besides, it's not like you're in here for no reason at all."

"Oh so you're really siding with him on this, aren't you?"

"Of course I am! You could've escaped with so much information on this place. With the way things are with Alexandria right now, that is the last thing we need." I felt like leaving and shutting that cell door in her face.

Again, complete and utter silence. The light coming in from the hall shone on my mother's face. Her eyes were closed, as if she needed a moment to think. "Arabella, you're on the wrong side. It's plain and simple. Negan doesn't even care about you."

"That's not true. Negan loves-"

"You're so naive, Bells! He's probably bored of you by now. If he really cared, he wouldn't have left without saying a word. If he really cared, he would be asking the burnt-faced-guy how you're doing over the walkie." Her voice was full of malice. I glared at her, but her words were processing in my mind. Finding the right words seemed out of reach, so she continued to talk.

"Think about it... I mean we're talking about the same guy who just months ago had several wives. Do you really think he's completely given that mindset up with the snap of your finger? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he's been seeing one of them behind your back."

Amber immediately popped into my mind... He wouldn't though. She wanted Negan, but he didn't want her. At least as far as I knew. "You're wrong. Negan loves me and no one else." We both eyed each other for a few seconds. "This little visit is over." I growled, walking towards the door.

"Wait!" My mom shouted. I stopped with my back turned to her. I contemplated whether or not I should leave, but I just stood there. "Could you at least tell me when I'm getting out of this damned place?"

"I don't know, but it's not like I want you in here either. It all depends on you." Was the last thing I said. With that, I closed the door and walked off.
A part of me felt guilty for have being so rude to her, especially since she was stuck in the cells. I wanted her out of there because well.. That's my mother.

I just hated how we were so divided.

Her words kept replaying in my head as I roamed the halls. I didn't exactly know where I was headed to but I just kept going.

Anger boiled through my veins. I couldn't believe she had the audacity to say that. Sure, my mother was right, but only about one thing. I really was naive. I was naive for actually believing her little speech for a second there. She was probably only saying that so I could join her side.

Well she wouldn't fool me anytime soon.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! But I want to know a few things. Is this going too fast? Are you even liking this? Lmaooo I just need to know because I've been getting super discouraged with my writing lately... Hope you enjoyed!

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